पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२६२

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Bhatta Naraya-Venissamhara

 P,85, मुने इदमासनं etc.-Yudhisthira's speech here and the Rakshasa's reply to it seem to be out of place, inasmuch as they purport to be such an exchange of civilities as was repudiated by the pseudo-sage in his next preceding speech. There is, probably, something wrong with the text here. 'को$त्र भोः सलिलमुपनय ' should precede 'मुने इदमासनम्' etc. in which case the exchange of civilities after the order for water would be quite in the fitness of things.

 भृङ्गारः-A pitcher of gold. शिशिर......संपूर्णः-शिशिर च सुराभे च सलिलं, तेन संपूर्णः, उदन्या-Thirst ; the word is an abstract noun with the suffix in the feminine from the denominative base उदन्य meaning 'to wish for water, being the suffix demoting wish added. to the noun उदन, water. उपस्पृशन् - Sipping water as a common rite of sanctity.

 प्रतिदिनसुलभस्वजनविनाशेषु–प्रतिदिन सुलभः स्वजनानां विनाशः यत्र तथाभूतेषु सत्सु (संग्रामेषु), (Wars) being attended with the slaughter of near relatives as an incident of every day occurrence.

 The argument is that men of the Kshatriya. caste are great sinners, in spite of themselves, in virtue of their very profession and holy sages ought to avoid receiving food or drink at their hands.

 सरस्वती...... स्पृशा-सरस्वत्याः शिशिरः तरङ्गाः, तान् स्पृशति तच्छीलः; तेन (मरुता) (By help of the breeze) blowing over the cool waves of the Sarasvati.

 अनुचितोऽयं etc.-Very improper is this formality (namely that of fanning) towards us.

 मुनिजनसुलभेन---मुनिजनेषु सुलभेन ( कौतूहलेन ) Out of curiosity such as is naturally found in sages. बलवत्तरया शरदातपस्य 0wing to the oppressive heat of the autumnal sun.

 अपर्याप्तम्-Only half finished; unfinished.

 सधैं विषादं नाटयन्ति- At this point they all look sad because they are alarmed at the prospect of Arjuna entering the lists against Duryodhana, the former being, in their opinion, comparatively a weaker hand at fighting with the mace than Duryodhana.

 P.86.'वृत्तं तत्-' (As for the combat between Bhima and Duryodhana) it has already taken place; it is already a thing of the past. This announcement leads those present to infer that