
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१३९ वेट्रान्तसारः |अधि.

"सता सोम्य तदा संपन्नो भवति इति वाक्यसमानार्थकात् प्रति- वचनाच्चावगभ्यते 1 एके वाजसनेयिनोऽपि, 'एतत्प्रश्नप्रतिवचनसमानाथै* वाक्यं स्पष्टमधीयते च--"कैष तदा" इत्यार्दि "य एषोऽन्तईदय काशस्तस्मिन्छेते इत्यन्तम् t!

                  वाक्यान्वयाधिकरणम् ६
                  वाक्यान्वयात्त् ॥l १९ ॥
"न वा अरे पत्युः कामाय पतिः प्रेियो भवत्यात्मनस्तु कामाय 

इत्यारभ्य, आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टुव्यः इत्यादिनोपदेिष्टः परमात्मा ;

as contained in the text 'My dear, then he has reached the Being' (Chand. VI-8-l). Some (i.e. Vajasaneyins) recite the passage bearing the same meaning as contained in the question and answer given above. It begins with 'where then was this person' (8rh. 11-1-16) and closes with, ' He sleeps in Akasa, that is encased in the heart' (Brh. 11-1-17).

                  19. Vakyanvayat 

On account of the sentences giving a connected meaning. What is taught in the scriptural passage, beginning with 'Verily, a husband is dear, not for the love of the husband, but for the love of the Self' and ending with 'The Self, my dear, is to be seen, etc.' (Brh . 11-4-5) is the Highest Self.

1 प्रश्न" omitted M 1, 2. *6 सरुपं A 1, M 3