
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

विद्याकर्मणोरिति तु प्रकृतत्वात् ॥ १७ ॥

विद्याकर्मणोः फलं ब्रह्मगामनं चन्द्रगमनं च । कथम् ? " तद्य इत्थं विदुस्तेऽर्चिषमभिसंभवन्ति" " य1 इष्टापूर्ते दत्तमित्युपासते ते धूममभि-संभवन्ति " इति प्रकृतत्वात् ब्रह्मचन्द्रगमनयो: । अतः पापिनां न तद्गतिप्रसङ्गः ॥

न तृतीये, तथोपलब्धेः ॥ १८ ॥

न च पापिनां द्युलोकगमनाय2 चन्द्रलोकगमनापेक्षा3, तेषां

17. Vidyakarmanoriti tu prakrtatvat

But of the knowledge and the Karman; on account of those being in the context.

The fruits derived from knowledge and Karman are the attainments of the Brahman and the moon respectively. How is this? This is because of the following scriptural texts- 'Those who know thus, reach the light' (Chand. V.10-1),'Those, who perform the sacrifices, dig wells etc. and give the gifts, reach the smoke' (Chand. V -10-3). Hence, those, who do Papakarmans (evil actions) do not traverse that route after death.

18. Na trtiye, tathopalabdheh

Not this in the case of the third; because it is so apprehended.

Those, who do Papakarmans (evil actions) need not go to

1ये omitted M 1, Pr. 2देहारम्भाय द्युलोकगमनापेक्षः M 1.

3चन्द्रलोकगमनापेक्षा , omitted M 1,