पृष्ठम्:व्यक्तिविवेकः (राजानकरुय्यककृतव्याख्यासहितः).pdf/१३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

13 The commentary on account of its terseness of expression dignity of thought and originality of reason ing is by all means well suited to the text The commen tator being an ardent admirer of the Dhvani theory, he removes, by adopting a method of exquisite leasoning, all the blemishes which are found attributed to it by Mahimabhatta. He closely examines the text and exposes all the defects therein with remarkable ability. Although he generally praises the text - "कर्तृभेदविषया विरुद्धतां तो निवार्य घटितक्रियाभिधः। प्रौढवादरचनाविचक्षणो लक्ष्यसिद्धिमुदितान् कवीन् व्यधात्" || (27) "तदेवं महाविदुषां मार्गमनुसृत्य सहृदयशिक्षादराय विचारयतोऽस्य महा- मतेर्न कश्चित् पर्यनुयोगलेशस्याप्यवसर इत्यलमतिप्रसङ्गेन” (p 16 ) yet he expresses a marked disapprobation wherever the author has affected superiority - "यथास्मै रोचते विश्वं तथेदं परिवर्तते इति न्यायेनातिप्रौढतया ग्रन्थकारो निजायत्तां पदार्थव्यवस्थां कर्तुमारब्धो . . ... .... तदेतस्य विश्वमपगणनीयं मन्यमानस्य स्वात्मनः सर्वोत्कर्षशालिताख्यापनम्" (p 41) We shall proceed to determine the probabic author of this delightful and dignified commentary which is replete with all the merits of composition and style, for it has to be noted to the regret of all Sanskrit scholars that the author's name does not appear either at the commencement or at the close of the commentary. But it can be found out that the commentator is the same as the author of नाटकमीमासा, साहित्यमीमा सा, हर्षचरितवार्तिक, and बृहती. For it is said “अस्य च विधेयाविमर्शस्यानन्तेतर- प्रसिद्धलक्ष्यपातित्वेनास्माभिर्नाटकमीमांसाया साहित्यमीमांसायांच तेषु तेषुस्थानेषु प्रपञ्चः प्रदर्शित इति ग्रन्थविस्तरभयादित एवोपरम्यते" (p. 32) “एतदस्माभिहर्षचरितवार्तिके विस्तृय प्रति. पादितं तत एवावधार्य" (p 44) "अस्माभिश्चैतत्प्रपञ्चो बृहत्यां करिष्यते" (p. 45). Of these four granthas हर्षचरितवार्तिक and साहित्यमीमांसा are referred to in the Alankarasarvasva - "एषा च समस्तोपमाप्रतिपादकविषयेऽपि हर्षचरित- बार्तिके साहित्यमीमांसायां च तेषु तेषु प्रदेशेषूदाहृता, इह तु ग्रन्थविस्तरभयान प्रपञ्चिता" (p. 61). From the above passage it may be safely inferred that the author of Alankarasar vasva is also the author of हर्ष. चरितवार्तिक and साहित्यमामांसा. Otherwise the author of Alankarar