"पृष्ठम्:वेदान्तसारः.djvu/२८२" इत्यस्य संस्करणे भेदः

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पुटाङ्गम् (उपयोगार्थम्) :पुटाङ्गम् (उपयोगार्थम्) :
पङ्क्तिः १: पङ्क्तिः १:

* ततः परिवृत्तौ कर्मफलशेषेण जातिं रूपम्' इत्यादिका स्मृतिः ।
''''ततः परिवृत्तौ कर्मफलशेषेण जातिं रूपम्' इत्यादिका स्मृतिः ।'''
'आरोहणप्रकारेण मार्गेकदेशे, प्रकारान्तरेण चैकदेशे'
'''<sup>1</sup>आरोहणप्रकारेण मार्गैकदेशे,<sup>2</sup> प्रकारान्तरेण चैकदेशे<sup>3</sup>'''

चरणादिति चेन्न , तदुपलक्षणार्थति काष्णाजिनिः ॥ ९ ॥
{{c|'''चरणादिति चेन्न , तदुपलक्षणार्थेति कार्ष्णाजिनिः ॥ ९ ॥'''}}
“रमणीयचरणः” इति चरणशब्दान्न सानुशयः, चरणशब्दस्य

स्मार्ताचारविषयत्वादिति चेत्; न ; अनुशयापलक्षणाथा 'चरणश्रुति
''''रमणीयचरणः' इति चरणशब्दान्न सानुशयः,<sup>4</sup> चरणशब्दस्य'''
तस्यैव सुखदुःखसाधनत्वात् ।
'''स्मार्ताचारविषयत्वादिति चेत्; न ; अनुशयापलक्षणार्था <sup>5</sup>चरणश्रुतिः'''
are these - * Afterwards when a man returns to this world, he
'''तस्यैव <sup>6</sup>सुखदुःखसाधनत्वात् ।'''
obtains, by virtue of a remainder of Ka701, birth, form '

(Apa. Dha. S?t४ II. 1, 2, 3) and so on . The descent takes
are these-''''Afterwards when a man returns to this world,'''
'''he obtains, by virtue of a remainder of ''Karman,'' birth,''' '''form' (''Apa. Dha. Sutra'' II. 1, 2, 3)''' and so on . The descent takes
place partly through the route of ascent and partly by
place partly through the route of ascent and partly by
a different route
a different route
{{c|'''''9. caranaditi cenna tadupalaksanarteti karsnajinih'''''}}
Should it be said that it is 10t s0 011 account

of the term Cata20 ; mot so, since Co7८१८, commotes the
'''Should it be said that it is not so on account'''
The word, Cor(१५८, 0ccurring in the passage 'Those ,
'''of the term ''Carana''; not so, since ''Carana' connotes the ''karman'' also: thus ''karsnarjini'' thinks.
whose deeds are good ' does not mean the remainder of

(i.e., general conduct, described in the S???tis). Therefore
The word, ''Carana'', occurring in the passage ''''Those,'''
the self is not followed by the remainder of his Kar'100
'''whose deeds are good' does not mean the remainder of''' ''karman,'' because it is generally used in the sense of''' ''''''smartacara'' '''(''i.e.,'' general conduct, described in the''' '''Smrutis'').''' Therefore the self is not followed by the remainder of his ''karman'' also ; because the pleasure
This is not s0. In the scriptural text the term C१/४१८.
and grief are the result of such ''karman'' only.
commotes the remainder of Kar101 also ; because the pleasure

and grief are the result of such Kor71671 only
1 आरोहप्रकारेण Pr
<sup>1</sup>आरोहप्रकारेण Pr
* देश: A 1. Pr
<sup>2</sup>देश: A 1. Pr.
<sup>3</sup>देश: A 1, Pr
* अचार M [. Pr
<sup>4</sup>अनुशयः Pr
* देश: A 1, Pr
<sup>5</sup>अचार M 1. Pr
अनुशयः Pr
* सुखसाधनत्वात् 4 1, M 1, Pr
<sup>6</sup>सुखसाधनत्वात् A 1, M 1, Pr
"https://sa.wikisource.org/wiki/पृष्ठम्:वेदान्तसारः.djvu/२८२" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्