यह पटलम्:TOCstyle हेतु प्रलेख पृष्ठ है


  This module (tentatively) implements स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "TOCstyle" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  Intended invocation method: स्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि: "TOCstyle" ऐसा कोई मॉड्यूल नहीं है।
  Normal invocation via application of Template:TOCstyle
  The intent of this module is to provide a higher-level "styling" facility to aid in the creation of standard tables-of-contents
  (TOCs) on (initially) the English WikiSource in a reasonably flexible fashion. To this end there are a number of internal
  configuration tables (future task: separate these into a configuration helper module if possible?)
  All internal variables obeying the naming convention "...Tags" (e.g. "outerTags") designate two-element tables of strings
  containing HTML tags which shall be used to "wrap around" various output components. The first element content will open any
  required construct and the second element content will provide the neccessary closing tags for that construct.


local p = {}

   -- emit() outputs a single item without detailed formatting.
   local function emit(args,index,use,para)
       --mw.log("emit exiting: index+use="..index.."+"..use.."\n")
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, (args[index] or )
   -- emit384() outputs a single item repeated 384 times.
   local function emit384(args,index,use,para)
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, string.rep((args[index] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384))
   -- fmtCell() outputs a single table cell and applies simple formatting to it
   local function fmtCell(args,index,use,para)
       local addl      -- somewhere to discard accountancy for arguments consumed by sub-process
       local cell = 
       -- mw.log("use, args[use]="..use..", "..args[use])
       if para then
           if para.proc then
               addl, cell = para.proc(args,index,para.use,para.para)
           if para.wrap then
               cell = para.wrap[1] .. cell .. para.wrap[2]
       --mw.log("fmtCell exiting: index+use+addl="..index.."+"..use.."+"..addl.."\n")
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, cell
   -- fmtNCells() outputs multiple table cells and applies individual formatting to each one
   local function fmtNCells(args,index,use,para)
       local row = 
       if para then
           local offset = 1
           local colcount = table.getn(para)
           while offset <= colcount do
               local addl      -- somewhere to discard accountancy for arguments consumed by sub-process
               local cell = 
               if para[offset].proc then
                   addl, cell = para[offset].proc(args,index+offset-1,para[offset].use,para[offset].para)
               if para[offset].wrap then
                   cell = para[offset].wrap[1] .. cell .. para[offset].wrap[2]
                   row = row .. cell
               offset = offset + 1
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, row
   local function isDemoSpace(demoSpace)
   	local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
       -- everything eligible for display in Page: namespace
       return (namespace == 'Page') or
           (namespace == demoSpace)
   -- cdlSwrap() outputs multiple table cells with individual formatting but closes wrapping only in demonstration name spaces
   local function cdlSwrap(args,index,use,para)
       local row = 
       if para then
           local offset = 1
           local colcount = table.getn(para)
           while offset <= colcount do
               local addl      -- somewhere to discard accountancy for arguments consumed by sub-process
               local cell = 
               if para[offset].proc then
                   addl, cell = para[offset].proc(args,index+offset-1,para[offset].use,para[offset].para)
               if para[offset].wrap then
                   cell = para[offset].wrap[1] .. cell
                   if (para[offset].use ~= 'p') or isDemoSpace(args['demoSpace']) then
                   	cell = cell .. para[offset].wrap[2]
                   row = row .. cell
               offset = offset + 1
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, row
   -- cdlEwrap() outputs multiple table cells with individual formatting but opens wrapping only in demonstration name spaces
   local function cdlEwrap(args,index,use,para)
       local row = 
       if para then
           local offset = 1
           local colcount = table.getn(para)
           while offset <= colcount do
               local addl      -- somewhere to discard accountancy for arguments consumed by sub-process
               local cell = 
               if para[offset].proc then
                   addl, cell = para[offset].proc(args,index+offset-1,para[offset].use,para[offset].para)
               if para[offset].wrap then
                   if (para[offset].use ~= 'p') or isDemoSpace(args['demoSpace']) then
                       cell = para[offset].wrap[1] .. cell
                   cell = cell .. para[offset].wrap[2]
                   row = row .. cell
               offset = offset + 1
       if type(use) ~= 'number' then
       	use = 0
       return index+use, row

local function isnotempty(s)

   return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= 


local function isRibbonAllowed(RibbonControl,RibbonRange,demoSpace)

   -- everything eligible for display in Page: namespace
   if isDemoSpace(demoSpace) then
   	return true
   elseif isnotempty(RibbonRange) then
   	return false
   elseif isnotempty(RibbonControl) then
   	return false
   	return true


function p.toc(frame)

   local args = (frame.args[1] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args
   local outerTags = { -- HTML tags to wrap around /any/ output; also serves as header/footer in page-crossing circumstances


    ', -- '$CSS$' will be substituted '


   local otDefCSS = ' style="margin:0; padding:0;"'	-- CSS attributes to apply to outerTags[1] if not explicitly overridden
   local otCptCSS = ' style="display: table; margin:0 auto 0 auto; padding:0;"'	-- alternate, "compact" CSS attributes for outerTags[1] use
   local rowTags = { -- HTML tags to wrap around /each/ row: does not include columnar formatting


  • ', '
  • ' } local detailTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around each row which may require more detailed formatting '

    ' .. '', '


       local ctrCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a centred table cell

    '', '' } local jstCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a justified table cell '', '' } local rgtCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a right-aligned table cell '', '' } local hi1CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a "hanging indent" table cell '', '' } local hi2doTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a large "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell '

    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local hi23CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a indented "hanging indent" table cell

    '', '' } local hi23sCelTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a initial portion of indented "hanging indent" table cell '

    ', -- always output '

     ' -- Page/demo only

       local hi23eCelTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around terminal portion of indented "hanging indent" table cell


    ', -- Page/demo only '

    ' -- always output

       local hi23doTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a indented "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell


    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local hi5CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a "wide hanging indent" table cell

    '', '' } local hi5doTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a wide "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell '

    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local hiNdoTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a wide "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell


    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local hiNdosTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around hanging-description portion of a wide "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell


    ' ..
       local hiNdoeTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around undercut page portion of a wide "hanging indent/dot leader" table cell

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local hi72CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around an indented "hanging indent" table cell with Page clearance

    '', '' } local unfCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around an "unformatted" table cell '', '' } local chprCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a right-aligned, minimal-width table cell '', '' } local chpr0CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a right-aligned (unpadded), minimal-width table cell '', '' } local chp2CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a indented, right-aligned, 3em-width table cell '', '' } local chpMCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a right-aligned, controlled-minimal-width table cell '', '' } local pagCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a "page number" table cell '', '' } local paPCellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around a controlled-width "page number" table cell '', '' } local l12CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "left" component of runningheader 5-item table cell '', '' } local l20CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "left" component of runningheader 4-item table cell '', '' } local l33CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "left" component of runningheader 3-item table cell '', '' } local c25CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "central" components of runningheader 5-item table cell '', '' } local c30CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "central" components of runningheader 4-item table cell '', '' } local c33CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "central" component of runningheader 3-item table cell '', '' } local r12CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "right" component of runningheader 5-item table cell '', '' } local r20CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "right" component of runningheader 4-item table cell '', '' } local r33CellTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "right" component of runningheader 3-item table cell '', '' } local dotoutTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "dot-leader" table cell '

    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local dotouSTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around initial portion of "dot-leader" table cell


    ' ..


        local dotouETags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around terminal portion of "dot-leader" table cell


    ' ..

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       local dotldoTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around configurable "dot-leader" table cell and content component span


    ' ..


       local dotleaTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around "dot-leader"/excess-filler table cell component span


    ' ..


       local dotoPsTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around first portion of "dot-leader" with embedded page table cell


    ' ..
       local dotoPeTags = { -- additional HTML tags to wrap around final portion of "dot-leader" with embedded page table cell

    ' .. '

    ' ..
             '' ..
             string.rep((args['leadersym'] or '.'),(args['leaderrepeat'] or 384)) ..


       modelTab = {
           ["D"] = {   -- default layout
               use    =1,          -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =nil,        -- no enclosing structures required
               proc   =emit,       -- function to output standalone description with no separate page numbers
               para   =nil         -- no details required
           ["DP"] = {   -- unformatted description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =unfCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["H5P"] = {   -- wide hanging indented description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hi5CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["2H3P"] = {   -- indented hanging indented description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hi23CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["2H3P/s"] = {   -- indented hanging indented description (initial part; crosses page); right-justified page layout
               use    =1,          -- absorbs single argument
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =cdlSwrap,   -- only close wrapping in Page: or demo name spaces
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     ='p',       -- flag wrap as namespace dependent to cdlSwrap
                               wrap    =hi23sCelTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["2H3P/e"] = {   -- indented hanging indented description (terminal part; crosses page); right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =cdlEwrap,   -- only open wrapping in Page: or demo name spaces
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     ='p',		-- flag wrap as namespace dependent to cdlEwrap
                               wrap    =hi23eCelTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- cdlEwrap always wraps this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CDP"] = {   -- chapter + unformatted description followed right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: upper-right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chprCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =unfCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["D.P"] = {   -- unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoutTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["H5.P"] = {   -- wide hanging indented description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hi5doTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["Hn.P"] = {   -- wide hanging indented description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdoTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["Hn.upP"] = {   -- wide hanging indented description; undercut controlled-width right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdosTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: undercut controlled-width right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdoeTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["2H3.P"] = {   -- indented hanging indented description; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hi23doTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["D?P"] = {   -- unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot selectable symbol leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description followed by symbol-selectable leader in same table cell
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotldoTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {			-- second argument: leader symbol to be repeated
                               use     =0,			-- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotleaTags,
                               proc    =emit384,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CD.P"] = {   -- chapter + unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chprCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoutTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CD.uP"] = {   -- chapter + unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified (undercut) page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chprCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoPsTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoPeTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["C5D.P"] = {   -- variant of CD.P with no padding following Chapter
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chpr0CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoutTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["2CD.P"] = {   -- chapter + unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chp2CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =dotoutTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CD.P/s"] = {   -- chapter + unformatted description (presumed incomplete)
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =cdlSwrap,   -- only close wrapping in Page: or demo name spaces
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- cdlSwrap always wraps this value
                               wrap    =chprCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     ='p',       -- flag wrap as namespace dependent to cdlSwrap
                               wrap    =dotouSTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CD.P/e"] = {   -- (remaineder of) unformatted description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =cdlEwrap,   -- only open wrapping in Page: or demo name spaces
               para   ={
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     ='p',		-- flag wrap as namespace dependent to cdlEwrap
                               wrap    =dotouETags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,			-- cdlEwrap always outputs this portion
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["CH2.P"] = {   -- chapter + large hanging indented description followed by right-lower-dot leader; right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within controlled minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chprCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hi2doTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =pagCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["mCHn.pP"] = {   -- controlled-width chapter + controlled-depth hanging indented description followed by right-lower-dot leader; controlled-width right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chpMCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdoTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =paPCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["mCHn.upP"] = {   -- wide hanging indented description; undercut controlled-width right-justified page layout
               use    =3,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- Chapter: right-aligned within minimal-width column
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =chpMCellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Description: wrapped cell content but with no overt formatting applied
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdosTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- Page: undercut controlled-width right-lower-aligned cell with content wraparound suppressed
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =hiNdoeTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["l"] = {   -- left-align items only layout (same as "D" model)
               use    =1,          -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =nil,        -- no enclosing structures required
               proc   =emit,       -- function to output standalone description with no separate page numbers
               para   =nil         -- no details required
           ["c"] = {   -- centre single item only layout
               use    =1,           -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =detailTags,  -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtCell,     -- create and apply tags to new table cell
               para   ={
                           use     =0,         -- fmtCell discards this value
                           wrap    =ctrCellTags,
                           proc    =emit,
                           para    =nil
           ["j"] = {   -- justified single item only layout
               use    =1,           -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =detailTags,  -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtCell,     -- create and apply tags to new table cell
               para   ={
                           use     =0,         -- fmtCell discards this value
                           wrap    =jstCellTags,
                           proc    =emit,
                           para    =nil
           ["r"] = {   -- right-align single item only layout
               use    =1,           -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =detailTags,  -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtCell,     -- create and apply tags to new table cell
               para   ={
                           use     =0,         -- fmtCell discards this value
                           wrap    =rgtCellTags,
                           proc    =emit,
                           para    =nil
           ["h"] = {   -- hanging indent single item layout
               use    =1,           -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =detailTags,  -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtCell,     -- create and apply tags to new table cell
               para   ={
                           use     =0,         -- fmtCell discards this value
                           wrap    =hi1CellTags,
                           proc    =emit,
                           para    =nil
           ["7h2"] = {   -- wide indented hanging indent single item layout with page clearance
               use    =1,           -- absorbs a single argument only
               wrap   =detailTags,  -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtCell,     -- create and apply tags to new table cell
               para   ={
                           use     =0,         -- fmtCell discards this value
                           wrap    =hi72CellTags,
                           proc    =emit,
                           para    =nil

    ["lcr"] = { --


    lookalike layout

               use    =3,          -- absorbs three arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- left component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =l33CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c33CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- right component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =r33CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["lr"] = {    -- Two columns: first is left-aligned, second is right-aligned
               use    =2,          -- absorbs two arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- left component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =l33CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- right component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =r33CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil

    ["lccr"] = { --


    lookalike layout

               use    =4,          -- absorbs four arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- left component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =l20CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c30CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c30CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- right component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =r20CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
           ["lcccr"] = {   -- फलकम्:Rh/5 lookalike layout
               use    =5,          -- absorbs five arguments
               wrap   =detailTags, -- table enclosing row
               proc   =fmtNCells,  -- create and apply tags to multiple cells
               para   ={
                           {           -- left component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =l12CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c25CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c25CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- centred component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =c25CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
                           {           -- right component
                               use     =0,         -- fmtNCells discards this value
                               wrap    =r12CellTags,
                               proc    =emit,
                               para    =nil
       local needheader = true
       local needfooter = true
       local needbody = true
       local html =  -- output buffer; initially empty
       local mainhtml = nil -- committed output buffer (in case demo space expectation diverges from 'html' above)
       local modelranges = {}  -- array of ([row]-->modelspec strings; initially empty
       local ribbonranges = {} -- array of ([row]-->demospace directives; initially empty
       local styleranges = {}  -- array of ([row]-->row styling directives; initially empty
       -- extract maximum unnamed argument index
       local cellcount = table.getn(args)
       if isnotempty(args['debugArgs']) then

    html = html .. '

    Raw Argument Dump' end -- compute the maximum cell index (Depressing: cannot trust table.getn() in frame context) -- Also: dump argument details if 'debugArgs' selected -- Also: pass 1 to determine "range m to n" model specifications -- Also: pass 1 to determine "range m to n" pageribbon overrides for k, v in pairs( args ) do -- pairs appears to access in hash order only(?) if isnotempty(args['debugArgs']) then -- I know: access args to determine whether to dump args! html = html .. '
    args(' .. k .. ':type("' .. type(k) .. '"): contains [' .. v .. ']:type("' .. type(v) .. '")' end if type(k) == 'number' then if cellcount < k then cellcount = k end elseif type(k) == 'string' then local rnglow local rnghigh rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)to(%d+)model%s*$' ) if rnglow == nil or rnghigh == nil then rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)%-(%d+)model%s*$' ) end if rnglow and rnghigh then -- only if neither are nil if tonumber(rnglow) > tonumber(rnghigh) then -- swap if order choice was perverse rnglow, rnghigh = rnghigh, rnglow end for rrow = rnglow, rnghigh, 1 do modelranges[rrow] = v end end rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)to(%d+)pageribbon%s*$' ) if rnglow == nil or rnghigh == nil then rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)%-(%d+)pageribbon%s*$' ) end if rnglow and rnghigh then -- only if neither are nil if tonumber(rnglow) > tonumber(rnghigh) then -- swap if order choice was perverse rnglow, rnghigh = rnghigh, rnglow end for rrow = rnglow, rnghigh, 1 do ribbonranges[rrow] = v end end rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)to(%d+)style%s*$' ) if rnglow == nil or rnghigh == nil then rnglow, rnghigh = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+)%-(%d+)style%s*$' ) end if rnglow and rnghigh then -- only if neither are nil if tonumber(rnglow) > tonumber(rnghigh) then -- swap if order choice was perverse rnglow, rnghigh = rnghigh, rnglow end for rrow = rnglow, rnghigh, 1 do styleranges[rrow] = v end end end end if isnotempty(args['debugArgs']) then html = html .. '


       -- Now, sadly the above process has to be largely repeated to:
       -- "correct" modelranges for "multiple single row" specifications
       -- "correct" ribbonranges for "multiple single row" overrides
       -- "correct" styleranges for "multiple single row" overrides
       for k, v in pairs( args ) do
       	if type(k) == 'string' then
       		local extract = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+,.-%d+)model%s*$' )
       		while extract do -- only if valid content extracted
       			local rrow
       			rrow, extract = extract:match( '^(%d+),?(.-%d-)$' )
       			if rrow then
       				modelranges[tonumber(rrow)] = v


    extract = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+,.-%d+)pageribbon%s*$' )

    while extract do -- only if valid content extracted local rrow

    rrow, extract = extract:match( '^(%d+),?(.-%d-)$' ) if rrow then ribbonranges[tonumber(rrow)] = v end end

    extract = k:match( '^%s*row(%d+,.-%d+)style%s*$' )

    while extract do -- only if valid content extracted local rrow

    rrow, extract = extract:match( '^(%d+),?(.-%d-)$' ) if rrow then styleranges[tonumber(rrow)] = v end end end end

       if isnotempty(args['starting']) then
           needheader = true
           needfooter = false
       if isnotempty(args['continuing']) then
           needheader = false
           needfooter = false
       if isnotempty(args['completing']) then
           needheader = false
           needfooter = true
       if isnotempty(args['header']) then
           needheader = true
           needbody = false
           needfooter = false
       if isnotempty(args['footer']) then
           needheader = false
           needbody = false
           needfooter = true
       if needheader then
       	local outerCSS = otDefCSS	-- prefill default
       	if isnotempty(args['compact']) then
       		outerCSS = otCptCSS		-- override with narrower centred layout if chosen
       	if isnotempty(args['class']) then  -- prepend any class overrides to styling

    outerCSS = ' class="' .. args['class'] .. '"' .. outerCSS end

    if isnotempty(args['width']) then -- a specified width implies centring (auto left/right margins) will be needed -- probably silly (but not an error) to have selectedi "compact" option as well outerCSS = mw.ustring.gsub(outerCSS, 'margin:0;', 'margin:0 auto 0 auto;') outerCSS = mw.ustring.gsub(outerCSS, '"$', 'width:' .. args['width'] .. ';"') end

    if isnotempty(args['style']) then -- user styling will always be applied *after* defaults outerCSS = mw.ustring.gsub(outerCSS, '"$', args['style'] .. ';"') end

    -- yes strictly html is empty at this point (but allow for debugging prefill) html = html .. mw.ustring.gsub(outerTags[1], '%$CSS%$', outerCSS)

       if cellcount~=0 then -- nothing whatsoever to do if no unnamed arguments presented
           if needbody then
       	    local index = 1
               local row = 0
               local defmodel = 'D'
               if isnotempty(args['model']) then
                   defmodel = args['model']
               while index <= cellcount do
               	mainhtml = nil
                   row =  row + 1
                   local model = defmodel
                   local outRow = isRibbonAllowed(args['row' .. tostring(row) .. 'pageribbon'],
                   if modelranges[row] then
                   	model = modelranges[row]
                   if isnotempty(args['row' .. tostring(row) .. 'model']) then
                       model = args['row' .. tostring(row) .. 'model']
                   -- start a new row
                   if outRow then
                   	local openTags = rowTags[1]
                   	if isnotempty(args['row' .. tostring(row) .. 'style']) then
                   		openTags = mw.ustring.gsub(openTags, '">', args['row' .. tostring(row) .. 'style'] .. ';">')
                   	elseif styleranges[row] then
                   		openTags = mw.ustring.gsub(openTags, '">', styleranges[row] .. ';">')

    html = html .. openTags end

       	        if modelTab[model] then
           	        if modelTab[model].wrap and
                           outRow then
               	            html = html .. modelTab[model].wrap[1]
                       if modelTab[model].proc then
                           local item

    index, item = modelTab[model].proc(args,index,modelTab[model].use,modelTab[model].para)

    if (modelTab[model].proc == cdlEwrap) and not isDemoSpace(args['demoSpace']) then html = -- restart HTML build if processing '.../e' model end

                           if outRow then
       	                    html = html .. item
               	    if modelTab[model].wrap then
               	    	if (modelTab[model].proc == cdlSwrap) and not isDemoSpace(args['demoSpace']) then
               	    		mainhtml = html -- preserve unclosed wrap state
                           if outRow then
                   	        html = html .. modelTab[model].wrap[2]

    else -- unsupported model specified? Just give up and issue first error observed

       	            return '
    Invalid model: "' .. model .. '" apparently requested on behalf of row ' .. row .. '?' end

    -- terminate row if outRow then

       	            html = html .. rowTags[2]
       if needfooter then
           html = html .. outerTags[2]
       -- generalised depth hanging indent/width of chapter, page
       if mainhtml then

    mainhtml = mw.ustring.gsub(mainhtml, '%$CHWIDTH%$', args['chapter-width'] or '5em') mainhtml = mw.ustring.gsub(mainhtml, '%$DEPTH%$', args['depth'] or '5em') mainhtml = mw.ustring.gsub(mainhtml, '%$PGWIDTH%$', args['page-width'] or '2em') end

       html = mw.ustring.gsub(html, '%$CHWIDTH%$', args['chapter-width'] or '5em')
       html = mw.ustring.gsub(html, '%$DEPTH%$', args['depth'] or '5em')
       html = mw.ustring.gsub(html, '%$PGWIDTH%$', args['page-width'] or '2em')
       -- return generated html
       if isDemoSpace(args['demoSpace']) then

    return html else return mainhtml or html end end

    return p

    "https://sa.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=पटलम्:TOCstyle/doc&oldid=200790" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्