पृष्ठम्:आयुर्वेदसूत्रम् (योगानन्दनाथभाष्यसमेतम्).pdf/१०

पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

tanda and Ramananda Sarasvati's Maniprabha on Patanjali's Yogasutras. In the third Prasna the author of the Ayurveda Sutra begins with the first sutra of Patanjali's Yoga, "Then follows the instruction of Yoga." Then instead of quoting Patanjali's second sutra defining what is meant by Yoga, he goes on to explain the meaning of Yoga using the words of Maniprabha and Rajamartanda, and more of the latter. While Maniprabha says that Yoga secures the fruit named Emancipation, the author says in his second sutra that it is fruitful. In his third sutra he defines Yoga not as "restraint of the external activity of mind" in Patanjali's words, but in the words of the Maniprabha and the Rajamartanda bringing in Prakriti and her three gunas, as shown in the footnote below.[१] The author's new definition is "the absorption of the mind into its source, the Prakriti, the spirit being perceived along with the Prakriti with

no contamination with the objective world." Then the author goes on to differentiate this internal absorption of mind into three forms, Rajasa, active, Tamasa, lethargic, and Satvika, serene, as done both by Rama


  1. प्रकृतिपुरुषान्तर्मुखज्ञानगोचरप्रत्ययप्रकृतिपरिणामो योगः ॥ ३ ॥राज--बहिर्मुखपरिणतिविच्छेदान्तर्मुखतया प्रतिलोमपरिणामेन स्वकारणे लयः योगः । रज उद्रेकादस्थिरं बहिर्मुखात्सुखदुःखहेतु ॥ ४ ॥ रजस उद्रेकादस्थिरं बहिर्मुखतया सुखदुःखादिविषयेषु कल्पितेषु व्यवहितेषु सन्निहितेषु वा रजसा प्रेरितम् । तम उद्रेकात्कृत्याकृत्याज्ञानःक्रोधादिभिर्नियमितो मूढः ॥ ५ ॥ मूढं तमस उद्रेकात्कृत्याकृत्यविभागमन्तरेण क्रोधादिभिर्विरुद्धकृत्येष्वेव नियमितम् । सात्विकोदयात्सुखम् ॥ ६ ॥ सत्त्वोद्रेकाद्वैशिष्ट्येन परिहृतदुःखसाधनसुखसाधनेष्वेव शब्दादिषु प्रवृत्तम् । त्रिधाभेदेन वायोर्नबवयोगिनो भवन्ति ॥ ८ ॥ तद्भेदेन च नवयोगिनो भवन्ति ।