theqsitivitt (Measure of the Kalpa)
writiquarfate HT: (Division of the Yuga into Utsarpini etc.)
sittiwarasuyartstei: (Date of composition of the Aryabhatiya)
g"TTTTTTTTTTTTT: (Beginnining of the Yuga etc.)
O wguri attrittee (Equality in the motion of the Planets)
wgurt citytritcha aqutaca (Equality of the motion of the Planets in yojana-measure)
wgruit better firrittaea (Non-equality of the motion of Planets in circular measure)
vissa TER: (Relative positions of the planetary orbits)
trfarefuqt: (Lords of the day, hour etc.)
witH9s it: (Nature of the motion of the Planets)
status trieqit (Set-up of the Eccentric circle)
tgaataattract (Distinction of True motion from Mean motion)
ग्रहभ्रमणप्रकार: (Nature of the motion of planets on the eccentric circle)
tivateaati Reaws: (Mean planet on the epicycle)
titatistd: Euterfeifu: (Addition and subtraction of Mandaphala and Sighraphala)
were triars (Computation of True longitude in the case of superior planets)
gerritt: ete: (True longitude of Mercury and Venus)
weva Ruraterit (Disquisition on the motion of the Planets)
' versisterist (Distance between of the Earth and the Planets)
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