पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/६९

एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Mantrapāda properties among his family members, perform auspicious rites and worship tutelary deities. If he has a long span of life he should take care to protect his limbs with armours and shields. It is stated : युयुत्सुनृपतिर्वान्यः सेनानीस्तु भटोऽथवा।

परीक्ष्यायुः स्वकं सभ्यगायुष्मांश्चेत् प्रयत्नतः ॥
सुगुप्तदेहः कवची ससहायो युयुत्सतु।
हीनायुश्चेत् कलत्रादीन् संविभज्य धनादिभिः॥
कृत्वा दानं यथावित्तं पुण्यानि च समाहितः।
स्नातः कृतस्वस्त्ययनः संपूज्याभीष्टदेवताम् ॥

प्रसन्न: संगरं गच्छेत स्वर्गलोकजिगीषया ।। Depending on the omens it is possible to ascertain the span of life. If the warrior perceives golden castles in the air he would die within a year. Seeing of golden trees, distorted form in mirror etc., would suggest that he would die in a month. The sight of the shadow of a man in the sky portents a life span of only six months. Loss of sight, smell etc., would suggest that his death is nearing. Such a person should prepare for Mahāprasthanadeparture from the world, after sharing his wealth and doing auspicious rites for the well-being in life after death. On the other hand an unhealthy man should take care to rejuvenate his limbs by drinking elixir and using topics. Several means for longevity are prescribed. For this both medicines and Mantras are useful. Before taking the tonics purgatives should be taken to clear the bowels. Some of the tonics would restore youth, prevent graying and baldness. The following are certain observations. निरम्लक्षारलवणं ब्रह्मचारी त्रिवत्सरम् ।

सहस्रवत्सरं जीवेत जरापलितवजित:॥
भक्षयेत् प्रातरुत्थाय निरम्लक्षारलोणभुक् ।

क्षीरान्नाशी दिवारानं जरां मृत्यु जयेन्नरः॥ The first part of the treatise consisting of Sāmānyapāda and Mantrapada comes to an end with this section. The author sums up the contents of the section in the final stanza of the first part as follows: एवं शक्तिविज़ृम्भितेन विसरल्लिप्यर्णशब्दात्मकं .

विश्वं युक्तविधानदैवतमया मन्त्रा: स्वतन्त्रोदिताः ।
रक्षार्थ जगतां गरग्रहरुजां ध्वंसोरिपूणां क्रमा-

दरेशानशिवेन नर्म च युधां जैत्रं च सन्दर्शितम् ॥