पृष्ठम्:कप्फिणाभ्युदयं महाकाव्यम्.pdf/३३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

33dरा Transposition 15 सुदुर्जदराब्दः दुर्जयगः सुवर्जया N la better. &ie . सद्विततांशु cbsette हिदिनपतुः N more weaningiti. शुक्मृत Nirove supropote. boid सुध्वयोजन - assaira शुधियाधान . MI supplies the ve). 52 वर्मा obscure $70 yious. .5d मृग Nince apropiate. supplies the rerb: XVIII 4 * obscula N more appropria TUTAT 166 संह नयाम N 486 कोप कोत्र क्रोध CXVI500. 896 पुजालाई सुद्धालब्ध सुशान्वन more appropriate . similarity of 20.nas: : 149a स्वासनः ज्वालनेः Honymous. 1490 आलिय आलिय N 2024 appropriate. 151e1* SIX.See the section on Prakrit in the Language and Metre ok the poet. प्रमा प्रवाह NI inappropriate .. Tod. ओ. कभार यो बभार N decidedly the best. 176 धारैः N inappropriate . 23. प्रस्तुवाने अस्तवाव्ये Vimoro appropriate. 386 च येषां वेषा V mora propriate. -40d. इत्याचक्षणाomits सूतोतारे incorrect. 43. भाष्य - संभाव्य X appropriate >> J.CSEIRONIA Iu the case of classical Sanskris 23 hors seucrally the completary to their texts provides an authentis testiinonia for the editing of the text. But our author was never cozimentas upon sad as ea aid of partial or subsidiary character in the editing of this textre only possess sorne raatshions from him which are tzacoable in both published and unpublished works. 2) Quotaticas froizi Kapphiņäbhyudaya in Sanskrit Anttologias.. Prolosace Thomas is his edition of this: Kavindravacauasapindcaya Ihas given the pratika; of Tersee escribed to Sivasvárin sind sound in Authologies, both published and anpublished in the Kavikanthibharain of