
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

THE CHOWKHAMBA SANSKRIT SERIES, BENARES. This Monthly Magazine consists of very rare and valuable ancient Sanskrit worles on Vedic Literature, Hindu Philosophy different sciencesgeneral literature and Puranas &c, that have never been published before. The monthly issue of this Magazine dealing with one subject contains too pages of Demy octave size printed neatly in beautiful types on good thick paper, after being carefully corrected by the Pandits of the Government Sanskrit College, Benares. The works included in the Magazine hitherto issued and those in course of preparation for publication are as follows: Mahiz£s 0 Books, Fascie:Mys reatzf Sale, L. Sanskararatnamala, by Gopinatha Bhatta. (Sanskra) 2. 2. Sabdakaustubha, by Bhattoji Dikshita. (Vyakarana) ro. 3. Sloka vवैrtika of Kumarila Bhatta together with the Commentary calledNyaya- } Mimansa) 9. ratnakara, by Parthasarathi Misra 4. The Vedanta-Tatwatray of Sri Lokacharyya (Vedanta) + 5, Karana-Prakash by Bramhadeva (Complete) 6. Nyayakanika of Vachaspati Misra (Mimansa) (in preparation.) । vidhirasayana of Appaya Dikshita, FOR INDIA, BURMA & CEYLON. Annual subscription (in advance) Monthly Db, (Per V. P. Post) Single copy Rs7 8 o 0 12 o I % ¢ ) FOR. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 8. S. d. Annual subscription (in advance) Single copy ० Y5 ० I 9 PAsyagered To be had from Ad

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