पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१७३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 13B तद्विघातकौ स्तनाविति । ? अजनिता व्रणस्य दर्शनेन त्रीडा (लजा) येषु. अनाकुलितः () केशपाशbeautiful bair) येषु-गुरुजनेन निभावितं (निरूपितं 4 not dishevelled marked) क्षतं तेन वैलक्ष्यं अनुत्पादितं गुरु..वैलक्ष्यं येषु. p. 5. 1. 2.-4. न एनम् ( सङ्कल्पमयं प्रियं) अन्धकारराशिः अन्तरयति तिरोदधाति. अन्तरयति screens. थगयति conceals or covers. इत्येवं... मे while I was thus thinking. न्तयन्त्याः मे geni. absolutel4 अनुराग --दिवसः The day became red (. ३. sunset drew near) as if fooded by the liquid (रस) in the form of the story of the अनुराग (love; redness) of कादम्बरी. तत्क्षणं मण्डलम् at that moment the disc of the sun that looked red was seen to hit a way through shame as if it were the heart of का० that had manifested its love (for च० ). प्रकटितरागं ( प्रकटितः रागः अनुरागः पक्षे रक्तता येन ) applies both to कादम्बरीहृदय and रविमण्डल. The dise of the sun becomes red at Sunset and dips down below the horizon. It is represented as if it were the loving heart (which is also रक्त) running away through maidenly shame. पल्लव वामिनी . the night brought about (prepared) the redness of the vening as if it were a bed of tender leaves. New and tender leaves are redish and so are compared to सन्ध्याराग. परिचारक प्रदोष evening prepared a bed of moon-stone in the form of the noon, as if it (evening) were a servant. The idea is:--the moon rose in the evening; it is represented as a bed of (moon1) stones prepared by a servant (प्रदोष ). चन्द्रः मणिशिलातलतल्पम् इव. . 8–10 अत्रान्तरे...पर्यवारयन्-स्वं कुर्वाणा executing their respective duties ( नियोग ). गन्धयुक्तं तैलं गन्धतैलं तेन अवसिक्ताः अत एव सुरभि गन्धं उद्भिरन्ति इति . विरचितचक्रवालिकाः that formed into circles.ll. 10-13 निर्मल. लतामिव her (का०) who bore refections of the torches observed on her pure complexion ( लावण्य ) as if they (refections) were the blazing tips of the arrows of cupid fixed in her limbs and who looked like a चम्पक creeper covered with fresh and thickly spread (निरन्तर) budsShe was stricken with love and had a fair com . lexion. The reflections of the tapering fames on her body looked like the darts of cupid and also like चम्पक buds; her fair body looked like चम्पकलता. 1. 15-16 अथ...नयने having quickly opened her eyes at these my words which contained the name of the prince (चन्द्रा०) like a woman fainting through (the effect poison (who opens her eyes) by (repetition of the incantation that removes poison. देवस्य (चन्द्रापीडस्य) नाम तस्य ग्रहणं गमें यस्य. P. 5 1. 18–p. 8 1. 4 अथ धवल..व्यसर्जयत् II. 18-24 The nominatives from यष्टयः up to व्याहरन्त्यः (l. 24) qualify कन्यका धवल•••झ्य -धवलवसनैः उलूसिताः गात्रयष्टयः यासाम् - द्वारप्रदेशे सम्पिण्डितानि 12