188 NOTES ONG हेमकूटा-छायायाम् which (mind) fell in the shade of her tender feet as if for rast after the fatigue of the journey to हेमकूट. His mind travelled from उज्जयिनी to हेमकूट and first blought of her tender feet, . The poet represents that the mind as if wanted rest in the shade of bhe feet of का० १fter its long journey to हेमकूट. From the feet, his mind passes, up to the bbigls, to the नितम्ब and so on. जह्नु ऊवः that (mind) travelling up along the line of the shank, became fixed upon her well formed thighs. लिखितेन...फलके that was as if engraved. on her broad board-like hips. मझे ...मुद्रायाम् that as if plunged in her round navel (नाभिः मुद्रा इव). उल्लसिते..राज्याम् %hat was as if delighted when it settled on the line of hair (round and above the नाभि ). आरूढेने मध्यभागे that mounted her waist which was charming on account of staircase (सोपानम् ) in the form of the three wrinkles on the the stomach. Three folds of skin on the belly were looked upon as a mark of beauty in women. कृत...तटे that as it were rested upon her breasts that were raised up and expansive. मुक्तात्मनेव बाह्वोः that as it were threw itself upon her arms. कृता हस्तयोः that as it were supported itself on her bands. उत्कीर्णानेवाध रपुटे that as if was carved on her lip. समुन्मीलितेन expanded with joy, enraptured. ललाटशालायाम् on the broad forehead. अन्वितेन कारे 6bat was seized in the darkness of her plentiful tresses. प्लवमानेन...प्लवे floating in the food of her great beauty that swept over all the quarters. आयतनं abodeसस्मार ..रूपस्य-स्मृ in the sense of to remember with regret, to yearn after' governs geni. P. 9 1. 1-p. 10 1 . 2 उत्पन्नात्मीय..चरणाददापयत् उत्पन्ना आत्मीया (कादम्बरी) इति बुद्धिः यस्य who looked upon का० as his (from that moment). निर्भरेण (full, excessive) लेहेन आईं चेतः यस्य तां प्रति...परिकर इव who had as if girded up his loins for protecting her. रक्षायै परिकरः येन यतो यतः...fर्पतवान् In whatever direction he saw cupid with his flowery bow bent ( मण्डलितं कुसुमकार्मुकं येन ) striking her (०), he interposed himself between (lner and the arrows of मदन ). This means—seeing her in his imagination tormented by lovehe himself became love-sick. एवं...मारुतान् as if censuring cupid with his eye that had unsteady pupils (उत्तरला तारा यस्याः and that was wet with tears are you not ashamed to strike mercilessly the whole day her (काद०) whose frame is as delicate as a fresh Malatf flower, he bore on his limbs particles of perspiration and heaved very deep signs (निश्वसमारुत ), as if to bring here to consciousness who had fainted on account of the wounds of cupid's darts. अम्लानमालतीकुसुमवत् कोमला तनूः यस्याः काम
पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१७८
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति