KADAMBARI. 14// bhe preceeding instrumental constitutos a distinct clause. Here 3ain bhe poet begins with bhe feet, चरणयुगलेन रसनाकलापं she bears her girdle by the pair of her feet ४. e. she has grown so bhin that the girdle slips down from her hips to her feet नितम्व...मध्यंAr. explains ‘पूर्वं कृशं वलनं ( ४. e. मध्यं) स्तनभारावभुम्नमपि स्वशक्त्या धारयति इदानीं तु नितम्बविस्तारेण धारयति? सङ्गमाशया हृदयं she supports her heart with the hope of being united (with you). उरसा ...प्रावरणं (she bears) the covering of the leaves of the lotus plant on her breast (as renoving the heat due to विरह ). कण्ठेन जीवितं (धारयति ) she is in a precarious condition. त्वदालापेन पातं she sheda tears in conversation about you . The idea is त्वदृणान् अनवरतं आलपन्ती अनवरतं रोदिति’. K explains when the conversation turns upon you, she ceases to shed tears. But this does not sound well. Her conversation is all the time about च० and it would follow that she never sheds tears. ललाटः.लेखिकाम् shie on her broad forehead a streak of sandal paste ( as a cooling ingredient). अंसेन वेणीम् she has her hair hanging down on her shoulders. Youen do not braid their hair when their husbands are absent, Ar explains ‘वेणीं असंस्कृतकेशपाशाम्. N. explains ‘एतेन केशानामनियत्रितत्वमाविष्कृतम्’ - अधुना (त्वद्विरहे ) is to be connected with each of the preceding clauses. विघटमानं being oken. If her heart broke, she fancies she would be able to see you who are enshrined there. गोत्र...लज्जते She is ashamed of life as she is ashamed of a mistake in name. If she calls her female friend चन्द्रापीड she feels ashamed; similarly she feels ashamed that loving as she is, she should continue to live in the absence of च०. परिचारिकयेव ...सधार्यते she wise limbs are drooping is made to nove about by her distress as if it (distress) were a servant waiting upon her. She moves about in her bed through pain. A nurse also moves about her patient is bed. मुहुः पवनवसति-Ar. explains ‘मुहुः शब्देन कदाचिदधिवसति कदाचिदवरु सञ्चरति कदाचिपुनरपि अधिवसति’. Sometimes she resorts to a bower of creepers which is tossed about by the wind, as if power) were trembling through fear of its tender leaves being plucked for making a fan ( to remove ) her tornment. उत्कण्ठया व्यजनार्थं पञ्चवभङ्गः तस्मात् भयं तेन कम्पितम्. सत्कोश-.-शेते she sleeps in a grove of land lotuses with buds having beautiful cups, as if it grove) had folded its hands for saving its stalks (that are used as) bracelets (to remove the thrment of विरहिजन). The cups of the buds look like folded hands. उद्वन्धन...सेवते she resorts to her gardlen the nooselike creepers of which are concealed by the bhick
पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१८७
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति