पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१९२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

752 NOTES ON effect. नलिनीव..म्लायति ike the day lotus, she fades at the touch of blhe moon's rays. The moon excites her and also causes bhe day lotuses to fadeहंसीव...जीवति like a female goose lives by सरस.. व्यतिकर. This means with हंसी by the fact of feeding on juicy lotusstalks’ (सरसाः मृणालिकाः तासां आहारः तस्य व्यतिकरेण संबन्धेन ); with फा० it means by her contact with the garlands of lotus fibres" (सरसः मृणालिकाः तासां हारः तस्य व्यतिकरेण ). शरदिव विजुम्भते-कुमुद..वहां-the शरद् season has charming breezes coming in contact with कुमुदcc;का० also has their perfume, as she lies on a bed made of these flowers. सकुसुमबाणा-सकुसुमः बाणःa kind of plantयस्याम् (with शरद्र ); कुसुमबाणेन मदनेन सह सकुसुमबाणा (with का°. चन्द्र...नयति निशां नयति-का० passes the night; the moon's orb leads the night (६. . rises in the beginning of night). कमल...पंचवा whose tender feet stumble on the heaps of day lotus (with का० ); whose soft rays (पादाःfall on heaps of daylotuses. सञ्चरन्ती when she (का० ) moves about; when she (moon) moves in the sky. कुमुदिनीव..वाहयति she, like moon-lotus, passes the day in false sleepboth beingरजनि जागरा. का० merely closes her eyes; she is really awake; hence her sleep is false. Similary the कुमुदिनी is shut, but is ready to open at the advent of the moon. रजनिकर चन्द्रः तस्य किरणैः कृतः प्रजागरः (जा- विकासश्च ) यस्याः. का० is kept awake by the exciting influence of the moon's rays and the कुमुद fower is opened by the moon's rays. मुर...चिन्तयति. मुररिपुः कृष्णः, मन्दो-..शेषा (मन्दोच्छंसितं शेषः पक्षे मन्दं उच्छसितः शेषः नागराजः यस्याम् ) the only remaining sign ( of life) in which is her slow breathing (with का० ); in which the serpent शेष breathes gently (with°शयनलीला," lcst hi lord विष्णु may be roused from sleep).. निमीलितलोचना-का० keeps her eyes closed, being tormented by love-anguish; विष्णु closes his eyes in योगनिद्रा मलय...पतति. निम्नगा =नदी. The best Sandal grows on the नलय mountain. का० lies down of slabs of stone that are covered with sandal (to cool her ). कुन्द...यास्यते. तुषार..वर्तिनी (the कुन्द bud) lies on the leaves of a tree sprinkled with dew; का० lay upon bhe leaves of trees sprinkled with snow (to produce a cooling effect). वन in the case of ० may stand for उपवनः भुजीव ताम्यति-असथेन सन्तापेन (by heat) आलिङ्गितः चन्दनः यया (with भुज ); असन सन्तापेन (love-torment) आलिङ्गितं (applied to the body) चन्दनं यस्याम् (with का०). शिखि...ताम्यति|-का० was pained by the exciting note of peacocks; the female serpent was afraid of the note of the peacock (that ould devour her ). केसरिकानुनम् (1) ? forest where lions reside; (2) a forest full of बकुल trees (केसरः बकुल). The बकुल las an exciting influence on lovesick persons. कुसुममनोहरात्