पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१९४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

154 NOTES ON n her hand ( it. honoured) the fan and by fate that was ready to subject (च०) to the lot he was destined to experience. ससंभ्रमं प्रतिपन्नं शरीरं येन. अनुभाव्यः यः अर्थः तत्र सर्जया. चन्द्रापीड would have perhaps lost his life by the torment he suffered on hearing का०s state;but fate wanted to give him a taste of further brouble and so brought him to consciousness. स्वकृता (चन्द्रापीडस्य) पीडा स एव अपराधः तेन लजितमिव विलक्षमिव—Ar. explains the difference between लज्जा andवैलक्ष्य as स्वकीयदोषं परो शस्यतीति वदनावनतिी । स्वकीयदोषं परो शास्यतीति स्वकीयदोषे परेण शते सति तस्याभिमुखावस्थानाशक्त्या स्वाकारगोपनं वैलक्ष्यम्. निभृतस्थितं who remained silent or motionless. अन्तबाष्पंग उपरुध्यमानः कण्ठः यस्य whose throat was choked by the tears that were suppressed within. स्खलितानि अक्षराणि यथा स्युस्तथा in a faltering voice. एकान्त-हृदयम् whose heart is excessively cruel. P. 18. दूरीकृत•••भावनया (दूरीकृता पुनर्मदागमनस्य संभावना यया ) who (का० ) never contemplated (lit. laid aside) the possibility of rmy again coming (to her). Connect सन्दिष्टं with महाश्वेतया समुप...वन्धया (समुपहृतः अनुबन्धः यया ) who (महाश्वेता) withdrew (from me चन्द्रापीडall her affection. अभिजात ...कादम्बरी prince85 का० does not know herself does not apprehend her real worth) on account of her noble birth, her majesty, her generosity, her even disposition ( in happiness and distress), her courtesy, and the extreme tenderness (पेशलता ) of her nature: Ar. explains ‘महानुभावता गन्धर्वराजकुलोद्भवत्वेन संभूता तेजस्विता ..समानशीलता सुखदुखयोरेकप्रकारता. It further explains एतद्रणषट्कर्मालम्ब्य विरहानलदह्यमान आत्मा न गणितः । कथमाभिजात्यं तेजस्वितां चावलम्ब्य । त्वामहमनुरक्ता दुखं जीवामीत्येतद्वचो नो (क्त?)...महामनस्वं समानशीलतां चावलम्ब्य दुःखानुभवनमङ्गीकृतम्? चन्द्रमूर्ते...कराकर्षणम् In this and the following sentences up to किं करोतु पादपः (, 13) चन्द्रापीड wants to illustrate the position that it was for him, a perfect stranger, only to love का० and not to secure her hand; that latter event should have been brought about by का० herself or her friends. चन्द्रमूर्ते...कर्षणम् the elab of stone called चन्द्रकान्त, void of life, has it in its power (आयत्त ) only to melt at the sight of the moon; but it has not bhe power to draw the rays of the moon. Some of the words in this sentence have double meanings and ply to चन्द्रापीड. चंद्रमूर्ते (चंद्रस्य इव मूर्ति यस्याः तस्याः कादम्बर्या) आलोकेन दर्शनेन. आर्द्रभावः (love) तस्य उपगमनं. तस्याः कादम्बर्याः करस्याकर्षणम्. At the sight of का०, चन्द्रा० could only fall in love with her and not make bold to take her hand also. Ar explains ‘वैदेशिकस्य मम तदानीं देव्याः सन्निधौ आर्द्धभावोपगमनमेवाधीनं न पुनस्तकराकर्षणम् । तदा मामनुकूलमवेक्ष्य स्वयमेव देव्या देवीपरिजनेन वा देव्याः परिग्रहः करणीयः इति वक्तव्यम् नितरां...प्रभवति The bee though it fies on its wings has