पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२४६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

206 NOTES ON 8S , ative base of according to the सूत्र ‘सनाशंसभिक्ष उः पा० II. 2. 168 (the affix उ is applied to desiderative bases, to the root शंस with आ and to भिक्षeg• चिकीर्पःआशंसुःभिक्षुः. वीत (विगतः) रागः येषाम् whose passions are gone. उदासीनैः who are indifferent to worldly ties. मुमुक्षुभि...उदासीनैरपि —this shows that all sorts of peopleeven those who had given up the ties of the world were concerned for वै०. Ar. construes मुनिभिः विशेषण of मुमुक्षुभिः and वीतरागैः of योगिभिः (which our text has not got) and remarks f: मुनि भिरपि इति मुनिशब्दो मुमुक्षुशब्दस्य विशेषणतया निर्दिष्टः । पूर्वत्रापिशब्दो विरोधद्यो तकः । उत्तरत्र अपिशब्दस्समुच्चयद्योतकः । गृहीतमौनव्रता अपि मुमुक्षवश्च तेहपरवशा एव वैशम्पायनवृत्तान्तमात्र्यां पृच्छन्ति’लेहपरवशैः overwhelmed by their afiection (for वै०). नगरनिर्गतैः who came out of the city (to learn the real news from the army, as if they were his fatherfriends आर्या in great distress. अनुभाव्यमानं being revolved in the mind. P. 4419-p. 45 M. 10. शुण्वंश्च -अश्रौषीत् वायस्य जनस्य of persons who are outsiders strangers. not related (to ०). बालचाटवः his sweet and endearing words when a child. नासा...दृष्टिः who fixed his eye full of tears on his nose निहिता उद्धष्पा (उद्गतम् बाष्पम् यस्या) दृष्टिः यस्य गच्छंश्च (p. 44 1. 16). अश्रौषीत्–-the principal sentence is गच्छंश्च समीपवर्ती...मनोरमां विप्रलपन्तीमश्रौषीत् (चन्द्रापीड). मदक.वाल एवासि you are still a boy ht to be fondled on my lap. व्याल..मानुषे terrible on account of hundreds of thousands of wild beasts ( or serpents) aud unin- habited. ‘भेद्यलिङ्गः शठे व्यालः पुंसि श्वापदसर्पयोःइत्यमरः सर्व..कारिणी bringing about the destruction of all animals. ‘द्रव्यासुव्यवसायेऽपि सत्वमस्त्रं तु जन्तुषु' इत्यमरः . याघातः means 'striking, obstacle . रक्षा protection. वैषम्यपरिपन्थिनी that would come iu the way (that would resist ) of misery (or harshness of nature ). बुभुक्षिते 4५ ( hungry ) and सुषुप्सति (desirous of sleeping) are the loc. sing. of the pa8%. p. p. and pr. p. respectively of the desideratives of भुज and स्वप् respectively. समाने सुखदुखे यस्याः who shared your happiness aud sorrow. उपात्ता obtained (p»8¢ . p. of दा with उप and आ ). अनुज्ञाप्य having made him to give permission (abso ]utive of the causal of श with अनु). संपन्नम् not accomplished. परं But, on the other hand, यत्र...रुचितं where it has pleased you to 2-46tay. तात--is a term of endearment addressed even to children, to friends aud relatives. श्रीकृष्ण addresses अर्जुन ‘ न हि कल्याणकृत्क दुिर्गतिं तात गच्छति ’ भगवद्गीता VI. 40 Here मनोरमा addresses her Son वै० as तात. एकपदे all of a suddeu. आ जन्मनः and जन्मन प्रभृति would