पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२५४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

214 NOTES ON सुदर्शनम् (I) good sight; (2) good doctrine or philosophyAr explains “ एषामवैदिकसिद्धान्त एव हितः अस्थितिरेव स्थितिः Ar explains ‘अशनवसनादिक्रमरूपा लोकयात्राविषया या मर्यादा पूर्वेरनुष्ठीयते सा स्थितिः तद्विरुद्धा अस्थितिः सैव स्थितिविषयो येषां, तस्यां तिष्ठन्तीत्यर्थः आचारः धर्मशास्त्रविहितमनुष्ठानम्. अविचैव विद्या—Ar comments ‘एषामविद्या संसार बन्धनकारणमज्ञानं विधेति प्रतिभाति मोक्षकरं शनमिति भाति.’ दौशील्यम् दुःशीलस्य भावः येषां च—blis is to be connected with स्वयमेवोत्पद्यन्ते एवंविधाः &c. (p. 46 1. 13 text ) above. क्षुद्र mean. Supply भवति after सन्धानाय and other datives up to गुणाय (p. 4 1, 5 ). प्रशा...शानाय whose intellect is used for decciving (अभिसन्धानं ) others and not for gaining knowledge. श्रुतमाल...शमाय whose learning has for its object the practising of numerous bricks and not branquility of mind. आल adj large; आल-लम्-trick; so आलजालmy mean numerous tricks' or collection of ricks. उपघातः Injury. उत्साहः energy, enthusiasm. स्थैर्यं...सङ्गताय their firmness produces attachment (आसङ्गः) to vices (व्यसनं ) and not long-standing friendship- धनपरित्यागः bestowal of money or ex penditure of money. सर्वमेव...गुणाय everything belonging to whom gives rise to faults and not to merits. तद् therefore ( because such worms are born through the force of their own कर्म). असौ = वैशम्पायनः कोऽप्यपुण्यवानुत्पन्नः—here there is a hint of the fact that वै० was really पुण्डरीक who was born as शुकनासs so through a curse. चलितवृत्तानां शासिता who punishes those that wander from correct conduct, चलितं वृत्तं येषाम् निबन्धनं support. will continue life. पिण्डप्रदः who is to give the funeral cake. A man had to offer a funeral cake to three of his deceased paternal ancestors (father, grandfather, greatgrandfather ). त्रयाणामुदकं कार्यं त्रिषु पिण्डः प्रवर्तते । चतुर्थः सम्प्रदातैषां पञ्चमो नोपपद्यते ।। मनुस्मृति X, 186. It was believed that deceased ancestors stood in need of the पिण्ड offered by their descendants and that when there was failure of issne, the ancestors were unable to go to heaven. Compare शाकुन्तल VI ‘अहो दुष्यन्तस्य संशयमारूढा पिण्डभाजः । वंशसन्तानार्थम् for the continuity of the family. यथाजात one who is what he was when just borm & e. a fool. अलं मूढयथाजातखेंवैधेय- बालिशाःइत्यमरः, यथैव जातः तथैव स्थितः असंस्कृतत्वात् . असत्पथ..द्धान्तेन who followed a wrong pathwhose mind is depraved, and who has gone astbray a long way. दुर्दर्श...क्रियताम् granted that he whose vision is wrong did not perceive the unseen (results of his acts ) that are difficult to observe; but what is to be done to him blinded by the disease (तिमिरं an eye-disease) of ignorance, who did not mark even the perceptible results (of his actions ). कुत्सिता