पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२६१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 221 यावत् is used in the sense of < surely' `यावत्तावच्च साकल्येऽवधौ मानेऽ- वधारणे' इत्यमरः स्वयमारोपितेपु planted by oneself. Compare for the idea “ विषवृक्षोऽपि संवर्यं स्वयं छेत्तुमसांप्रतम्’ कुमारसम्भव II. 55. अमर्षवेगः sudden impulse of wratbh. विरूपकम् anything unworthy; anything condlennable. इत्येतदपि ..क्षिपामः how can we set even blis ( pix. सर्वपरित्यागं &c. ) down as blamable without knowing the cause (of his abandoning everything ). कदाचि...दोष एव perhaps this very fault of his due to his want of modesty (as you think ) may turn out to be praiseworthy. संवेग agitation ‘समौ संवेगसंभ्रमौ इत्यमर; the word seems to be used here in the sense of वैराग्य, as said by A. संवेगो निर्वेदः खेदो वैराग्यं वाः र P. 50 1. 13–p. 51 1.16 इत्युक्तवति...मामार्यःअन्यत् more. Over अतः परं ..विरूपकं भवेत् what would happen to him that would be more unworthy than this (bhat he has already done ), even if it were to take place? कशयेव...पितुः who was struck in the heart as if with a whip by the fact that his father thought it possible that blame ( for वै०s conduct ) was due to him. यद्यपि...इति though I know from what has been said to me (by you ) that it is not brue that वै० did not come for some fault on my part. K understands निरुक्तितः as from what was said to me (by the followers of वै० ); but this is unnecessary. What च० means is: though I know that, if your words were properly inter preted, you attributed the non-ecoming of ० not to me, but to वे० himself. कस्य...त्पन्ना who else has not thought it ( bhat was ab fault) possible ? १. e. every body would believe what my father has suggested. मिथ्या...गुरुणा is false (in the what becomes result) the trnth when it is believed by the people, and especi. ally by One's elders. चन्द्रापीड means--though I know that it is false to say that वै० did not come because of some fault on my part, still as my father has thought it possible that I might be the cause and as people will believe him, the result will be bhe same as it would be if it were the real state of things. Ar 0x plains ‘एषा सम्भावना मिथ्यापि लोकेन गृहीता चेत् सत्यैव भवति । विशेषतो गुरुणा गृहीता चेत् । प्रसिद्धि..फलवती-separate वा अदोषगुणाश्रया—In this world the reports ( about a man ) not necessarily depending upon his faults or merits are able to produce the result, viz. an evil name or a good name. दोषाश्च गुणाश्च दोषगुणाः आश्रयः यस्याः सा दोष . श्रया न दोषा...श्रया अदोप..श्रया. चन्द्रापीड means-One's good or bad reputation depends upon public reports about him. These latter again are not necessarily based upon the merits or demarits of a man. They are often without any foundation. So चन्द्रा० must