पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

XXVI INTRODUCTION is Dandin. (1) In an Akhyीyika, it is the hero himself who tells the whole story; while in a Kabha, the story is told either by the hero or by someone else ( 2 ) An Akhyayika is divided into sections named Uchchhvasas and contains verses in the Vaktra and Aparayaktra metros while in a Katha, it is not so. (B) In Katha, such topics as the kidnapping of a girl, battles, separation, the rise of the sun and the moon are described; in an Akhyीyika it is ॥ not so. (4) A Katha is distinguished by possessing certain catchwords which the author intentionally puts in. Dandin remarks that no hard and fast line of demarcation can be drawn between the two classes, and that the points mentioned above have not been invariably followed by writers and that hence Katha and Akhyayika are but two names for the same species of prose composition. Bhamaha's definitions of Kath and Akhyyika are given below. In Rudrata's Kavyalaikara, Katha and Akhyyika are defined. The author seems to have had in mind the Kadambari and the Harshacharita in defining the two species of prose compo sition. We have seen above that a profusion of compounds was said by Dandin to constitute the very essence of prose and hence long compounds form the ruling characteristic of Kath and Akhyyika. But certain restrictions were laid down by the author of the Dhvanyaloka. He says+ that even in an Akhyीyika very long compounds should not occur in depicting the love of separated lovers and pathos. Abhinavagupta distinguishes Akhyayika from Katha by saying that the former is divided into sections called

  • प्रकृतानाकुलश्रव्य शब्दार्थपदवृत्तिना । गद्यन युक्तोदात्तार्थं सोच्छासाऽs

ख्यायिक मता ।। वृत्तमाख्यायते तस्यां नायकेन स्वचेष्टितम् । वक्त्रं चापरवक्त्रं च काले भाव्यर्थशंसि च ।। कवेरभिप्रायकृतैरञ्जनैः कैश्चिदङ्किता । कन्याहरणसंग्रामविप्रलम्भो दयान्विता ।। न वक्त्रापरवक्त्राभ्यां युक्ता नोच्छासवत्यपि । संस्कृतं संस्कृता चेष्टा कथा पीशभाक् तथा ।। अन्यैः स्वचरितं तस्यां नायकेन तु नोच्यते । स्वगुणाविष्कृतिं कुर्याद भिजातः कथं जनः । भामह I. 25-29. + See Rudrata's Kavyर्वlaikara XXVI. 20-30 + 'गद्यबन्धेऽपि अतिदीर्घसमासाचना न विप्रलम्भङ्गारकरुणयोराख्यायि कायामपि शोभते’ । ध्वन्यालोक p. 143