पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३२०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

280 NOTES ON एकान्ते...हता who am absolutely (excessively) under the influence of error (व्यामोहः ). असौ-refers to पुण्डरीक. पुण्डरीक was taken by the divine person who assured महाश्वेता of reunion with him. See p. 10 of Peterson's edition (1. 10). किं...वृत्तम् what has become of him. एतावता कालेन for so long a time. विस्मयेन उन्मुखः ( उद्भतं मुखं यस्य ) who gaped through wonder. उपर्युपरि पातिना that pressed against one another ( to be as near as possible to कपिञ्जल ). P. 76 1. 10–p. 77 1. 13 गन्धर्व...व्यसर्जयत् कृतः अतिप्रलापः यया who screamed piteously. वयस्य...करः who girded up my loins through affection for my friend (पुण्डरीक ). तं पुरुषम्-tle person ( who was none else than the moon ) who took up into the sky the body of पुण्डरीकअनुबश्नन् (nom. sing. mas. of p2. p. of वन्ध्र with अनु ) pursuing, following: जवेनोदपतम् I rose rapidly (into the sky ). गीर्वाण...वैमानिकैः who was looked at in the sky by those who moved about in balloons with eyes dilated through १४ wonder. गीर्वाणाः (देवाः) तेषां वर्मनि (मार्गे) 8. e. in the sky. ‘गीर्वाणाः दानवारय:’ इत्यमरः. क्षीरस्वामी derives गीर्वाण as ‘ग गीः एव निग्रहानुग्रहसमर्था वाणः अत्रमेषांइति गीर्वाणाः. विस्मयेन उत्फुले नयने येषाम्. वैमानिकैः those who move in aerial cars, such as gods, गन्धर्वs &c. विमानेन चरतीति वैमानिकः ( from विमान with the afix इक) according to ‘चरति’ पू० TV. 4. 8 (तृतीयान्ताद्च्छति भक्षयतीत्यर्थयोः ठञ् स्यात् । सि. कौ.). अवगुण्ठित.

for whom way was made in the sky by bhe heavenl

damselsthat hadveiled their faces and that had appointments with their lovers, अवगुण्ठितानि मुखानि यासाम् अवमुच्यमानः गगनमार्गः यस्य. -is a woman who goes to an appointed place to mect her lover. ‘कान्तार्थिनी तु या याति संकेतं साभिसारिका' इत्यमरः क्षीरस्वामी quotes the following from भरत ‘हित्वा लज्जाभये लिष्टा मदनेन मदेन च । अभिसारयते कान्तं सा भवेदभिसारिका'. आलोल.तारकाभिः who was. saluted on all sides by the lunar mansions the pupils of whose eyes were slightly unsteady. आलोला (ईपचधला ) तारका (अक्ष्णः 1ः कनीनिका) यस्य तत् आलोलतारकं ईक्षणं यासाम्, तारका means one of the 27 नक्षत्रऽ such as अश्विनी &c. ‘नक्षत्रमृक्ष भं तारा तारकाप्युडु वा स्त्रियाम् । दाक्षायण्योऽश्विनीत्यादितारा अश्वयुगश्विनी ।' इत्यमरः . The divine per son who carried away the body of पुण्डरीक was the moon himself. The moon is called तारापति or नक्षत्रेश and the 27 नक्षत्रऽ are said to be his wives. Therefore they bowed to him and on seeing him carrying a body their eyes became tremulous through curiosity and surprise. अम्बर...तारागणं going beyond the clusters of stars that are (like ) the bed of night lotuses in the lake of the sky. अम्बरं एव सरः तस्मिन् कुमुदानां आकरः (समूहः). The stars and कुमुद