पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३२७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBARt 28 real nature is not apparent because he.appears under the name चन्द्रापीड or that your lover is the moon himself but that he is called चन्द्रापीड and not चन्द्र or चन्द्रमस्). अनाराधितप्रसन्ना who was pleased with your without being worshipped. She means that the moon (चन्द्रापीड ) canme to हेमकूट and fell in love with कादम्बरी at first sight without ther doing anything to please him. Now if she worships hin, much more therefore will be be pleased with her Ar, पूर्वमेव भगवतश्चन्द्रमसो मूर्तिः तवानाराधितप्रसन्ना स्वयमेवागत्य remarks हेमकूटं त्वयि कृतप्रणया इदानीमाराधने क्रियमाणे किं पुनः स्वयमेव प्रसन्ना भूत्वा उज्जीविता भविष्यतीति । P. 80 1. 15-p. 81 1. 5 इत्युक्तवत्यां-..अक्षिपत्- The princi pal sentence in this paragraph is कादम्बरी..निराहारा तं दिवसमक्षिपत्. अखेदाहम् that did not deserve to be troubled. तनुम्-object of उत्थाप्य शीत-रहिते free from all the pairs of opposites such as cold, wind, heat, rains &c. द्वन्द्वे means a pair of opposite qualities or conditions such as सुख And दुःखheat and cold &c. Conmpare कादम्बरी ‘वलवती हि द्वन्द्वानां प्रवृत्तिः’ (p. 135 of Peterson's edition ); मनुस्मृति I. 26 द्वन्द्वैरयोजचेमाः सुखदुःखादिभिः प्रजाः. अप..भरणा who took off ( laid aside) her apparel ( suited to a woman ) in love and her ornaments. अपनीतानि शृङ्गारवेपः आभरणानि च यया. See above p. 71 1. 13 ‘प्रतिपन्नशृङ्गारवेषाभरणा' and notes thereon. मङ्गल बलया-मङ्गलमात्रकाय ( मङ्गलमेव मङ्गलमात्रकं तदर्थम् ) अवस्थापितं एककरे रलवलयं यया—who retained on one of her hands a jewelled bracelet 2s an auspicious mark. A married woman in India must wear certain decorations and ornaments, howsoover poor she may be To wear them is an auspicious sigm and is the mark of wifehood, as their absence is the sign of widowhood. These are the mark ( तिलक ) on the forehead, the wreath of beads ( मङ्गलसूत्र) round the neck and the bracelet (वलय ). धीौतशुचिनी washed and pure. दुकूलं silk garment; a fine garment in general. क्षौमं दुकूलं स्यादर्जे तु’ इत्यमरः प्रक्षाल्य...रागम् having washed again and again the red. ness (due to the chewing ) of betelnut leaves (ताम्बूलम् ) that stuck to her tender lip very deeply. To have her lips red with ताम्बूल ( a sign of विलास ) was out of keeping with her state then उपर्युपरि ...लोचना whose eyes were again and again closed, were full of tears and unsteady. उपर्युपरि निमीलिते आगतबाष्पवेगे (आगतः वाष्पवेगः ययोः) उत्तरले च लोचने यस्याः अन्यदेवकार्यमाणा-अन्यत् is the object of कार्यमाणा. अन्यदेव—on this Ar, has the following clever renmark ‘अन्यदेव किमपि वेषग्रहणम् । अन्यच्छब्देन विधवानामिव वेपग्रहणं न भवति, न वा विरहिणीनामिव न च पण्याङ्गनानामिव । तस्मादन्यदेव किमपीति वक्तव्यम्. अचिन्तितम् that befell her all of a sudden , अनुक्रेक्षितम् that could