पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३४२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

302 NOTES ON season. bruction on account of his rashness. बलात् = स्वातन्त्र्यात्. The wor वत्सस्य suggests that this is asked by some one who was a nea relative of बालधर्मन् (such as father elder brother &c. ). I rashly accompanying the prince on his march in the rain! बालधर्मन् may have mat with a fatal accident and henc the word विनाशं गतस्य and बिभेमि. रामसिक is derived from रभस् (rashness), as Tw says ‘रभसेन वर्तमानः अपि...कृतः does that horst of his ( बालधर्मन्) live that was presented to him by the prince अपि introduces a question here. प्रसीदत-here are resumed tht questions addressed to the general body of messengers. सादिनां प्रथमस्य who is the foremost of horsemen. ‘अक्षरोहास्तु सादिनःइत्यमरः सीदन्त्यवश्यम्' इति सादिनः ). पृथुवर्मन् was the name of some persor who accompanied चन्द्रापीड and who was the maternal uncle of a inquirer from among the citizens. we imagine, we pictur to ourselves. महाश्वपतेः the chief of the cavalry. विस्मयः प्रहित my father also wondered that he (अश्वसेन, my fatherin-law ) di not send at your hands even a token (of his safety ). आहित सेनः-some one here inquires about his brother भरतसेन. आहितः भर यस्मिन् on whom responsibility is placed (8. e. who holds a respon : sible post in the prince's household ). सेवाव्यसनी who is attache to the service (of the prince ) तत्र लगति is he there ? बलाधिकृत वले अधिकृत who was commander of the forces (of चन्द्रापीड). रोपित राजः the prince was angered by him for marching in the van. He requested persistently the prince to allow him to march in van, which angered the prince. T explains “नासीरार्थं पुरोयानाएँ पुरःसराधिकारप्राप्यर्थमित्यर्थः । नासीरोऽख्यग्रयानं स्यादिति वैजयन्ती ?” नासीरम van or front. ‘नासीरं त्वग्रयानं स्यादवमर्दस्तु पीडनम्' इति हैमः quoted by N नासा शब्देन ईतें गच्छतीति ईर् गतौ, कः । जयशब्दाद्युच्चारणेन गमनादेवास्य तथात्वम् प्रसादैः वित्तः (ख्यातः) famed for bhe favours received from the prince ‘प्रतीते प्रथितख्यातवित्तविशातविश्रुताः ' इत्यमरः . पाणिनि uses वित्त in thi sense in ‘तेन वित्तश्चञ्चप्चणपौ’ पा. V. 2. 26वर्धमानः growing in pros perity. केन.. दिवसैः who ( among the dependents) has obtaine what in these days (e. e. up to this day ). आजीवनिकाः who serv simply to earn their livelihood ( without any higher ambition securing fama or high position ) . आजीवनिक derived from आजीवन (livelihood). आजीवनं प्रयोजनमस्य आजीवनिकः, according to ‘प्रयोजनम् पा० V. 1. 109. The reading of AW राजनिकाःis not bad. It meau

  • connected with the prince.' The meaning bhen is:--there ar

many fresh servants of the prince and we want to know who has secured what special favour. T reads ‘अजीवः and explain ‘अदत्तजीविकाः अकल्पितवेतना इत्यर्थः येन..वार्ताम् let him who has seen