पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३६०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

320 NOTES ON desirious of reaching as if iu a day. ईहमानः pr• p. of ईट्स I A to desire. स्तोकत...प्रभृति when he had gone only a short distance. कियत्य...वर्तामहे how much of the journey have we yet to go? कति...पतामः in how many days shall we reach ? तुरङ्गमे आरोपितं placed on horseback. again and agaim calling him. अविच्छिन्न-.वहन् riding on with continuous marches. अबहुभिः not many &, e. a fewविकल्प-..दुःस्थितेन bhat was distrossed by its mounting ou bhe swing of hundreds of nuisgivings. On विकल्प ५० Ar says चन्द्रापीडशरीरं संप्रति विनष्टम्, किमथवा यथापूर्वमवस्थितम् किमथवा उज्जीवितः सुखं तिष्ठति? अन्तरात्मना (हृदयेन )--युक्तः should be understood after it. आप्ततमान् very trustworthy. ‘आप्तः प्रत्ययितस्त्रिपु' इत्यमरः P. 96 17–p. 97 1.5 अथ तैः...अगमत्- तैः refers to the trusted horsemen (1. 5 above ) 8ent with त्वरितक by तारापीड. आगच्छन्तम्—bhia and the following accusatives qualify (1. 14 ). उज्झितः (त्यक्तः) आत्मसंस्कारः (शरीरसंस्कारः नादिरूपः ) तेन मलितं कृशं च शरीरं यस्य, अवनितले निवेशितं उत्तमाङ्गं (शिरः) येन. They bowed on seeing the king. उडुष्पा ( full of tears ) दीनतर दृष्टिः यस्य जीवित...मानम् who as if desired to enter पाताल on account of the shame that bhey should have survived (the prince's deabh ). अहम..रक्षन्तम् who avoided being seen, each trying hard to conceal himself behind another. They were ashamed to show their faces to तारापीड as they had survived the death of the prince for whose protection they had accompanied himपरस्परस्य आवरणम् ( concealment ). अहमहमिका -emulation,१। rivalry ‘अहमहमिका तु सा स्यात्परस्परं यो भवत्यहंकारः इत्यमरः on which क्षीरस्वामी 5ays ‘अहं शक्तोऽहं शक्तोऽस्यामिति अहमहमिका. अक्षत...हतमिव who bhough not wounded, were as if killed. They looked dead on account of their grief hough no one had attacked them with weaponsसपरि...मुपितमिव who looked as if they were robbed (sad, forlorm ) though they had a body of attendants. One can not be robbed when one is guarded by an escort. परिच्छदः attendants; it also means * clothes, armour Arexplains ‘सपरिच्छदमपि कवचाभरणछत्रधारणादियुक्तमपि तदधारणाच्चौरैर्मथितसर्वस्वम् ससंभ्रम...चरणम् though they approached hasily, their feet were as if drawn in the opposite direction 8. e. they were unwilling to come on account of the shame they felt at having survived the prince for whose protection they were sent. अर्द्ध-.त्साहम् whose energy hail dropped away together with their limbs &. e. bheir limhs were languid bhrough dejection and their उत्साह was all gone. बाष्पे मानम् This means—they let fall tears from their eyes and bheir