346 NOTES ON . नया हीनं यथा स्यात्तथा (अव्ययीभाव) wretched on account of my requesting him. P. 109 1. 11–19 भद्रमुख..अगच्छत् जातिस्मरः one who remembers who he was in a previous life. जात्या by birthपापस्य संकटाव this danger of incurring sin. धर्मः= पुण्यम् धर्माः पुण्य यमन्यायस्वभावाचार्सोमपाः’ इत्यमरः. अदृष्ट...हेतुः which is the source of happiness, though we cannot see that. अदृष्टश्चासौ सुखहेतुश्च धर्म and अधर्म (पुण्य and पाप) are not directly seen, they are inferred. Or we may explain as “which is the source of happiness in a future life (d%, that is not seen ): दृष्टेऽपि... नास्त्येव and as regards even the present ( it. what is seen there would be no offence at all due to setting me free on your part who are not seen ( doing this . e. setting me free ) by anyone else. T' says ‘दृष्टेऽपि दृष्टिगोचरभूते इहापि. The parrot first showed that the चण्डाल would secure पुण्य by setting him free. But पुण्य is something unseen one may not care for it, especially if one is likely to suffer in the present by trying to secure merit in the next world. The चाण्डाल may be punished by his mistress for setting free the parrot on which she had set her heart, To this the parrot offers an explanationHe says: -no one is present here so no one will inform your mistress that you set me free and therefore you will suffer no trouble even in the present by letting me go. प्रत्यवायः impediment; offence ; siu. Arexplains दृष्टदुःखमेवास्माकं परिहर्तव्यमि तं न्चेत् मद्रहणं न केनचिद्दष्टम् । तस्मान्मां मुञ्चतस्तव अपराधश्रावकः पिशुनो न विद्यते तस्मात् तव स्वामिदुहित्रा दण्डदुःखं नापतति. ' Eays ‘स्वामिदण्डहेतुदंषः विहस्य–he laughed because of the foolish argument of the parrot contained in the clause दृष्टेऽपि च &c. मोहान्ध blinded by delusion. यस्य ..नाचरति—This is not a dificult sentence ; but the explana tions of commentators have made matters worse. This sentence is a rebuke administered by the चण्डाल to the parrot, who bried to induce the चण्डाल to set him free on the plea that no one was in sightयस्य is to be connected with तव and सः refers to the parrot itself. The translation is -that person (e. e. you, parrot) will not do through fear of another what is improper, you ) who suppose that the five लोकपालs, that are the witnesses of the good and evil actions of men and that exist in your own body also, do not see (you when you do an improper act in a solitary place). The meaning is -You tell me to do an act which my duty to my master tells me is improper, because I shall not be observed by anyone and will not incur punishment. But you ¥orget that the five लोकपालः see everything that beings ( includ
पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३८६
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