पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९२

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

352 MOTES ON त्वम् doing what one likes (without regard to consequences). This specially refers to the fact that the parrot (पुण्डरीक वैशम्पायन ) left the hermitage of जाबालि, though ordered by घेतकेतु to stay with the sage till a religious rite was finished. धावमान नीते—this and the following locatives qualify दारुपञ्जरे-brought by चण्डाल boys that ran (to fetch it ). अर्धा ...नऊँ that was fastened (अवनद्ध) with straps of cowhide that was half-dried, hairy and stinking. अधश्यानं लोमशं (hairy) दुर्गन्धि च गोचर्म तस्य वक्षिकाभिः अवनद्ध - लोमश (from लोमन् with affix श) according to ‘लोमादिपामादिपि च्छादिभ्यः शनेलचः पा० V. 2. 100. Ar‘वधिका चर्मपट्टिकाः दृढ...पात्रे in which vessels made of wood for eating and drinking were firmly tied. दृढबद्धानि दारुमयानि पानभोजनपात्राणि यस्मिन्. मनाक् (१ little ) उद्धाटितं (opened ) द्वारं यस्य तस्मिन् दारुपञ्जरे in a wooden cage. समं ..क्षिप्य having thrown me (in the cage ) together with my dreams of seeing महाश्वेता. EHe means that being imprisoned, no hope remained of seeing महाश्वेता; all his expectations of being able to see महाश्वेता by fying northwards thus became vain dreams. अर्गलितं (bolted, shut ) द्वारं यया. यथा introduces her very words. अत्र in this place (पक्कण ). निर्दूतः calm, bappy. P.111. संरुद्धः con fined. आवेदिता आत्मनः अवस्था येन who (I ) told her my condition 2. e, my fying towards the north out of my love for महा मुक्तये विशापयाम्येनाम् If I were to request her to release me. य...भवति that very quality of mine, which becoming a , fault resulted in my imprisonment, would be supported by me. गुणः refers to the fact that the parrot spoke like human beings. The parrot thinks that he was caught by the girl because he spoke well The person who caught him told him so (p. 108 1. 19-21 text ). So he thinks that by requesting her he would onl confirm popular report, साधु..ग्राहितः I was caught by her for the very reason that I spoke well. का ..पीडा what pain can she feel on account of the pain I suffer from being im. prisoned ? He means that she cannot sympabhise with him. नाहमस्यास्तनयः there is dramatic irony here. The parrot does not know that he is really blhe son of the चाण्डाल girl. But the readers who lave guessed from the tenor of the story bhat he is her son will smile when the parrot says नाहमस्यास्तनयो' &c. अथ. तिष्ठामि if I were to remain silent. तत्रापि even in that case, शाठ्यप्रकुपिता enraged by nmy roguery (in refusing to speak even when I was known to speak so well ). इतो..माम् she may reduce me to a condition worse than this. लैं...रियम् for this is a caste that is most cruel. He refers to her being born