पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९३

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 35B Sens€S. of चाण्डालS. अथवा मिश्रिता Or it would be preferable even if I were reduced to a condition worse than this to (pollute my speech by ) talking (0%. mixing) with chandalas. गृहीतं मौनं येन तम् ( माम् ). निर्वेदाव् through despair (of hearing me speak, for which she had me caught). Ar. “निर्वेदात्कौतुकविनाशजाताद्वैराग्यात् । निर्वेदो वैराग्यम् । ‘सर्वसाम्यमनायासः सत्यवाक्यं च भारत । निर्वेदश्च विवित्सा च पञ्च मोक्षस्य हेतवः ।' इति महाभारते. वदंस्तु नया—Ar. ‘वदामि चेन्मदालाप श्रवणकौतुकान्न मोक्तव्य एवास्मि. दिव्यलोकद्वंशः falling from divine worlds This refers to his being पुण्डरीक, the son of वेतकेतु. मर्यलोके जन्म this refors to his being born as वैशम्पायन सर्व..दोषः all this is the fault of my not having restrained my senses ४. e. all this is due to the fact that I did not restrain my mind and other अनियतानि इन्द्रियाणि यस्य सः अनियतेन्द्रियः तस्य भावः ०द्रियत्वम्. तत्कि...यमयामि therefore what of speech aloneI shall curb all my senses. It would not be sufficient to hold his tongue alone. from the highest position to the lowest not because he did not hold his tongue, but because he did not keep under control all his senses. So to prevent further degradation it was necessary to check all organs. threatened. आहन्य- मानः being beaten. त्रुट्यमानोऽपि bhough my feathers were torn away. चीत्कारम् -an onomatopoetic word-the cry of birds and some animals, उपनीते पानाशने when water and food were brought near meअनशनेन by fastingअत्यवाहयम् passed. अति हृदये च when the time for taking food passed away and hen my heart was eorely pained. अप्रतिपन्नः तेषाम् उपभोगः येन who fused to partake of them (the fruits and water ). लोचने यया who fixed her eyes on meस्निह्यन्तीव as if full of affection (for me). क्षुत्पिपासा...संभवत्येव it is impossible that birds and beasts, whose minds are destitute of discrimination, should not, when troubled by hunger and thirst, make use of articles of food when they are brought to them. निर्विचारा चित्तवृत्तिः येषाम्—she means that birds cannot discrimi. nate as to the food they should take and the persons from whom they should take. एवंविधः of this sort ४. e. who refused to take food touched by चण्डाल. भोज्या...कारी who makes a distinction between things fix to be eaten and not it to be eaten by you. पूर्व-..रमरः recollecting your former birthE. अरमदीयं belonging u३ (चाण्डाल). परि-हृ to avoid. किं वाऽभक्ष्यम् what indeed can he unfit to eaten. यन्न भक्षयसि On account of which you do not be cat (what I bring ). ईदृशं कर्म कृतम्—she refers to his action in loving महाश्वेता and being cursed by her. ईदृशम् कर्म such actions ' to