पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४१४

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

34 NOTES ON of marriage such as कन्यादान, सप्तपदी etc. Ar. says ‘लोकव्यवहारः पुरन्थीभिरार्दीक्षतारोपणादिकार्यम्? स्वभूमिं refers to उज्जयिनी where चन्द्रापीड had been born. यत्रव•••भवनम् even a forest, where one secures unlimited happiness due to prosperity, would be a palace. निरतिशयं (निर्गतः अतिशयः यस्मात्) beyond which there is nothing higher. संपत्सुखम् संपदा सुखं or .संपदाख्यं सुखम् जामातरि ते in your Bonin-law ४. e. in चन्द्रापीड. वयस्य is addressed to चित्ररथ hy तारापीड. तमेव refers to चन्द्रापीडः न्यवेदयत् offered, presented. निजपदं his own position, his kingdomUnderstand न्यवेदयत् after हंसः, हृदय मात्रकेणैव कृताथ happy merely by obtaining (लम्भः) wives that were desired by their hearts. हृदयस्य रुचिते वध्वौ तयोः लम्भः (लाभः तन्मात्रकेणैव. न...पठेताम् they did not accept anything else. The meaning is: -bhey accepted the hands of their wives but not the kingdoms offered by चित्ररथ and हंस P. 119 1. 17 –p. 120 1. 3 अन्यदा। ...शशाक । अन्यदा on one occasion. जन्मा ...मुदिता delighted by securing her lover who was de sired by her in her life. जन्मनि अभिवाञ्छितः हृदयस्य वलभः तस्य लाभेन मुदिता. सर्वः..निर्मुतापि though happy because she was in the midst of all her family. बाष्पेण उत्तरले लोचने यस्याः whose eyes were bremulous with tears. वास.. गतम् = क्रीडाभवनगतम्’ AF. चन्द्रापीडः मूर्तिः यस्य who appeared in the form of चन्द्रापीड. On this Ar. remarks ‘इदानीमपि चन्द्रापीड एवेति वक्तुमयुक्तम्. आर्यपुत्र–‘सर्वस्त्रीभिः पति र्वाच्य आर्यपुत्रेति यौवने । भरत's नाट्यशास्त्र 17. 82. A husband was to be addressed as आर्यपुत्र by women. वयं मृताः सन्तः —-she includes herself among those that had died, because she though living was a good as dead in the absence of चन्द्रापीड. Ar. says सर्वे वयमित्यात्मानमभेदोपचारेण मृतां वक्ति ’ संघटिताः united. वराकी poor, used in the same way in which the expression poor fellow is used in English. किं...वृत्तमिति what happened to her alone. प्रीतः अन्तरात्सा यस्य–he was pleased to see that कादम्बरी felt so much affection for पत्रलेखा who he knew was her co-wife. कुतोऽत्र how can (she be ) here? मदुःखदुःखिनी pained by the sorrow that had befallen me (. bhe curse of पुण्डरीक ). रोहिणी–the most favou. rite•wife of the moon out of the 27 नक्षत्र, निवार्यमाणाऽपि although dissuaded. प्रः even before me even before I was born in a human form). परिचर्यार्थे = सेवायें. पत्रलेखा (रोहिणी) was the ताम्बूल करङ्कवाहिनी of चन्द्रापीड and served him as if she were his shadow. इतश्च गच्छता--Ar. clearly explains चन्द्रापीडजन्मतः पाद्कजन्म गच्छतेत्यर्थः मदुप...शरीरा who abandoned her body on my deabh. मम उपरमे समुन्मुक्तं शरीरं यया. We saw above (p. 5 . 9—18 ) that पत्रलेखा bhrew her self into the अच्छोद lako after चन्द्रापीडs death. पुनरपि again (when I