पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/४४१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 401 Kullahabhatta 247 Meghadata 134, 159, 184, 244, Kumarasaibhava 121, 146 246, 274, 309 198, 205, 22l. 238, 285, Mrmanskas 312 319, 339 | Mind, four functions of 216 Lakshmi -said by poets Mechchha, characteris to be very fickle 13 tics of, 345 -spring from Kahf Mohamudgara 15] 198 | Moksha, defined 338 ras£gar, Letters, royal, carried on Moon, causes torment to their heads by servants 304 | lovesick persons ... 139, 26] Jightning, feeds on water 249 lord of lunar mansions 280 ILogic Sanskrit 219 { world of, position of ... 280 Lokanalas, witness the place of ejoyment 281 deeds of men 346 | Moonstone, melting at the rise of the moon 154, 175 said to be eight 347 Mother of the bride. M[ndhusudanaSarasvati ... 172, 331 groom, her importance 173 Magnet 313 MountainE. ---made the Mahabharata 225, 285, 315 earth steady 183 Mahabhashya 121, 181, 342 -had wings 197 Mahabisha, story of 31B -took shelter into tho S88 197 Mahakala, temple of, 308-09 Malaikagnimitra 148 | Mrichchhakajika 213, 235, 246 Malaya-breezes from, ex• M¢rityunjaya, japa , of. wards off disense and citants of Love 151, 363 death 389 Mallinatha 24309 Nahusha, story of 314 Mandara mountain-han. Naiyyika, Philosophy 311 dule in churning the sea_184, Nakshatras, the vivos of 207, 306 ॥ the moon 355 Mangala, necessity of 121 | Natyas'sbro 144, 34 Mantraspossessing mira Nautch-girls 177 culous powers 318 | Necklace, of poarls, said Manusmriti 187, 19, 194, to be cooling 238 195, 209, 214, 21, 239, 251, Negatives, tYo, make one 252, 263, 285.319 &c. affirmative 188 Marriage, of brees and Mitis'ataka 197, 208 Creepers 27 4 Oceans-seven or for 184, 231 Gandharva form of, 373 -churning of. for Matrix (divine Mothers) 300 jewels 184, 198, 207, 30B Medicine, in ancient Omem, shedding of tears India 209 at startingan evil ono 228