
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

( 221 ) APPENDIX I. अङ्कय:--A kind of drum. अङ्गम्-A branch, a subdivision, an aspect, limb, body. अङ्गहारः-Gesticulation. अनुविद्ध-Accompanied by, full of. अभिनयः-Gesticulation. अर्थ:- Meaning, outfit or apparatus. आक्षिप्तिका-A particular song or air which is sung by a approaching the stage. आतोद्यम्-Any kind of musical instrument. आलाप:—A form of the prelude of a Rāga. उद्गानम्:-Singing in a high pitch ( in गन्धारग्राम ). उपगानम्-The prelude of a Raga. उपदेशः-Instruction. उपवहनम् -See उपगानम् । उरवीणय-To play upan a Viņā in unison with singing, Viņa to. उपोहनम् - See उपगानम् . ऊर्ध्वकः-A kind of drum. ककुभ:-Name of a Rāga, a kind of metre. करण:-A term for various beats on a drum. कला-Art, a measure of timing. कलिका-The bottom of a peg of the Indian lu:e. किन्नरः-Celestial bard. कीचकः-The Bamboo tree. कुटिलिका | A peculiar movement or gesture. कुलिका- कृति:--Composition, action. कैशिक-N:ame of a ग्रामराग.