पृष्ठम्:केनोपनिषद्भाष्यम् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजमुनिविरचितम्).djvu/३७

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KENOPANISHAD FIRST KHANDA "I bow dowu to Raigarāmānuja Muni, by whom have been written the excellent commentaries on the Upanişads according to the school of Sri Rāmānuja," I. 1. KENESITAM PATATI PREȘITAM MANAH KENA PRĀŅAI PRATHAMAH PRAITI YUKTAH KENEȘITA AL VĀCAM IMAMI VADANTI CAKŞUH ŚROTRAMI KA U DEVO YUNARTI. By whom does mind being prompted grasp the desired (object) ?? By whom impelled does the chief breath move about ? By whom instigated is the speech spoken ? And who indeed is the Lord who impels the eye (and) the car ? COMBIENT : "Let my añjali go to the Beauty (Lord) of Añjanādri", of the kne of atasi tlower-bunch, with His chest adorned with Lakşmi." 1. In this verse we have to clear mention of the individual soul (jiva), since only the karanas are enumerated. Still the use of the word

  • vadanti' in the active plural intimates the fact that the questioner is aware

of the finite souls which are unable to control or direct the movements of their karanas AS soch. Hence the bestion of the Ka u Dopa' or godhead wbose knowledge is being sought by the disciple. The word devă” (plu.) is used somctimes to inean the senseorgans as in the Pañīcāgns-vidyā (Ch. Up. V.5.2) Madhva puts the question in the month of Rudrs and the teacher addre- used is taken to be Brahm1. The mention of some sensory and oto: organs Is to be taken to inciude all the others tot mentioned. Further the names, mind, breath, eye, ear and speech are said to denote the Devatās of those sensory and motor organs. The Ultimate and Direct Lord of all is the Person or Godhead shout whom this question is asked. This has obviously a referepce to the Keua III and IV the parable of Agui, Vaya and Indra. 2. One of the seven Flills at Tirupati 3 Atasi is common flat which pats forth blue flowers.-Linseed oil 19 prepared from alasi seeds. .