पृष्ठम्:केनोपनिषद्भाष्यम् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजमुनिविरचितम्).djvu/४१

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KENOPANISHAD --FIRST KUIANDA 9 5 I B. That which (one) sees not with the eye By Vhich the eyes see That alone know thou as Brahman Not that which (people) worship as 'this : VAT SROTRENA NA ŠĶŅOTI YENA ŚROTRADE IDANE ŚRUTAN TAD EVA BRAHMA TVAM VIDDHI NEDAD VAD IDADI UPASATE That which one hears zot through the ear By Which this ear is heard That alone know thou as Brahman Not that which (people) worship as 'this YA'T PRANENA NA PRĀNITI VENA PRANAN PRAŅIVATE TAD EVA BRAHMA TVAM VIDDIII NEDAM YAD IDAM UPISATE That which does not exist through prāna By Which prāna is made to exist That alone know thou as Brahman Not that which (people) worship as 'this'. Know thou that alone is Brahman which is iinpossible of revealment by speech etc, and that which reveals speech and the sense-organs. The meaning is That thing which people worship as if it is fully know as this ', like the gooseberry in the palm (of one's band) is not Brahiman. This is the interpretation to be adopted in the following mantras (also). Jursk$aşi persunt: sees: tire meaning is seen, ' Decapse or parity with that which preceded and with that which follows Yat pránena pranizate : was made to exist is the meaning. END OF THE FIRST KEANDA - 1. sepāsate being plural the commentator interprets 'paśyati' as paśyanti! vide sanskrit notes 2. pranitair itsarthak is the seading found in the Tel. ed 1899. &N ed. grantha The seading obtlonsiz skonid be pranite ityarthah.