
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

272 GANITASARAGANGRENA (happening to be the diminution in breadth) on both the sides (of the wall in passing from below upwards) : 57}. The height (of the central section) divided by the height of the given brick gives rise to the (required) measure of the layers (of bricke. 'This (number) is diminished by one and (then) divided by the difference between the top (breadth) and the bottom (breadth). The resulting quotient gives (in itself) the value of the (rate of the) diminution (in breadth) measured in terms of the layers. Examples in illustration feed. 58. The breadth of a high forth-wall is 7 hostok at the bottom Its height is 20 hostsIt is built so as to have 1 hestr (as its breadth) at the top. With the aid of bricks of 1 hasld, in height, (find out) the (measure of the growth of the (central) layers and of the (rate of) diminution (in the breadth). 594-60. In a regularly circular well, 4 hosts in diameter, a wall of 14 housla8 in thickness is built all round by means of (the already mentioned typical) bricks. The depth of that (well) is B hast8. If you know, calculate and tell me, p friend, how many are the bricks used in the building In relation to a structure built of brioks (around a place), the rule for arriving at the value of the oubical contents (of that structure), when the breadth at the bottom (of the structure) is given and also the breadth at the top 61. Twice the (average) bhickness of the structure has added to it the given length and the broadth (of the place). The sum (so obtained) is doubled, and the result is the (total) length (of the structure when it is) in (the form of) an obloug. 'This (resulting quantity), multiplied by the (given) height and the (already men tioned average) bhickness, gives rise to the (required) cubical measure). 59-80. The brick8 contemplated here is the unit brick mentioned in ata uza 48 above. This problem does not lustrate the rule give: above in stanya 57 but it has to be Yorked according to the rulos given in stanzas 19!-20 and 4? of bhi chapter.