
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

298 GANITASARASANGRAHA Bhiwwwakutakiro Cokrikibhcoc Proportionate distribution involving fractional quantities. See footnote in page 125. The destroyer of the cycle of recurring rebirths also the name of a king of bhe Rastrakuta dynasty Name of a tree bearing a yellow fragrant flower Michelic Chunpala. A syllabic metre. Summation of series Compalko Chodu8 C8 Citra-kutakra Citru-latkaromisro curious and interesting problems involving propor tionate division. Mixed problems of a ourious and interesting nature involving the application of the operation of proportionate division A measure of distance. ide Table 1 of Appendix Dondo Dasa Tenth place. Ten crore. Do&o-ki Daso-load Dakosahasya Ten lakhs or one million Ten thousnd, Dharanc A weight measure of gold or silver; de 'Tablo8 4 and 5 of Appendix Iv. A weight measure of baser metals . Vide Table 6 of Appendix IV. Also used as the name of a coim Dr Drakpumg A weightmeasure of baser metals. ide table 6 of Appendix IV. A measure of oapacity in relation to grain. ide Table 3 of Appendix IV Draw Dandaka Doirogrategoreja Gundcka Nanae of a tree. A variety of miscellaneous problems on fraction Unit place. A weight nmeasure of gold. Vide Table 4, Appendix ]. Gobing; the first figure on the right, among the three digits forming a group of figures into which a numerical quantity whose cube root is to be found out has to be divided. See note to GMod I 53, 54, (ghould Gho Gndard Ghaznodhana Cube root. A measure of time. Vide table 2 of Appendix IV. Multiplication. 'The product of the common ratio taken as many times as the number of terms in a geometri. cally progressive series multiplied by the first temsee note to II-98.