
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

CANDRACCHAYAGATSITAM in astronomy and followed his elder brother's studies. Thus, after describing some methods on the Rule of three {Trairatika) in his ABh Bhasya, Ganita., 26, Nilakantha says how his brother who was teachmg at the house of his patron explained to the latter some of those theories ; cf fcrffc, ^ ^ ^ ^ WWW ^m$* w tfwtetu , ( TSS 101 , p. 156) Nilakantha observes at the close of the Bhusya on the Qolapada that he was entrusting the Bhasya to Sankara for its proper propagation Thus just before the final colophon, Nilakantha says : (TSS 185, p. 164) That N 5 lakantha was intimately connected to and was patronised byKausitakiAdhya NetranarJyana, known locally a s AzhvSnceri Tamp- rttkal. the religious head of the Nampntiri brahmans of Kerala, is known from several references in his writings. It is als0 dear that the patron hadgreat esteem for Nllakantha's erudition in astronomy, in which JSLt 100 ;r interest : d and med to aiscuss ^ ^ **> Nilakantha. Thus, m » he discussion on the calculation of the mot.on of planets (ABh., Kala., 22-25), Nilakantha says : aTOTOfer ^tfegrirfcT TOPron*<ir SR* II WW cT^g^r WW?s-i tffrfasft STfa; I {TSS 110, p. 63)