
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

11 the Bhāradvaja-gotra as follows : as is clear from its first verse , which runs विदित्वार्यभटप्रोक्तगोलतत्वेन केनचित् । भारद्वाजेन तन्यन्ते काश्चित् गणितयुक्तयः । Chr01010gy of Nilakantha's Works It has been 10ticed that Naka11tha's 719l. Bhasya is later than his 7a71trasaigrala and G.lassara which are quoted in the former. But 10thing could be said about the chronology of his other works. The present writer's investigations have, however , shed some light 011 The first five works (enumerated above , wiट., Gol25ara, Siddld110 (darp070, C21d'acclajagapita, the commentary thereon, and 7a17d scrigrald do not refer to any other work, but are , in their turn, quoted in other works of Nilakantha. Of these, the 7a711tra56ailgroll40 is the most comprehensive of the five and gives the date of its composition as 1500 A.D., i.e., it was written when the author was fify-eight, and on these considerations it may be presumed that the other four works were written before this date . The Grallar07i"10)'0 and the Sundard॥rajopra5101(170 , of which manuscripts have yet to be discovered and which are quoted in the 481.Blasy0, lhave also to be ascribed to this period. This Bhasya, 1his mature work, Nilakatha wrote when he was very old, as he himself remarks : मयाद्य प्रवयसा *** यथाकथंचिदेव याख्यानमारब्धम् (7SS 101, p. 156) (/., com. (on verse 25 : एतत सर्व मया प्रार्यभटीयव्याख्याने प्रपञ्चितमिति विरम्यते । p. 22 of my transcript) is still later. And so also his discursive treatise on eclipses which to refers to the 431.Blass)'0 more than once ; /, तत्र कालक्रियापादे सूचितं मया विवृतम् (p. 63 of my transcript); एतत् सर्च गणितपादे विस्तरेणोपपादित: (ibil., 63) Indisputable evidences are available regarding the date of our author. Sarikara, Nilakaptha's pupil, in his commentary on his teacher's 1. Ms. : Kerala U।। the M:durals, Mal. D. 339, pp. 83-89, 10w, transferred ss. Library, Trivauldrum to