
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

<sit?tteh StTTTsr- ^faster Mw^— [vfffcaq] ^% i ^srtstr [ flH^ SW*T * ] g^T^l^w, nl^T^ %Tfa$jt: s II vs II ^tht^t: i ^s^ft^^T ?iT^n": i giRfqr ^rcT^r i srm- TO^T?rnctf^raT T%*rfn"T^r Traffic srfasrfcr i fafa %^ w^MTcsrwcj-

  • T?R — 4. C. ^ft frayed out. 5. C. f^TffRft: frayed out.

6. C. f[|?f frayed. 7. C. aw to iTTwit (verse lOd), which occur in the bottom line of the obverse of the folio and top line of the reverse, are frayed out, leaving but traces of the letters, which however, do not indicate any variant reading.