
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

APPENDIX n 'wraTOten* ^f^-^rfc^T: ^ro^forft: i ^qTmq^TT^toin' tysrfir^ ^ren vtfa *|tt tost, ^qr-^firotenr^w- qfss=3n^ aq%*3^£ 'ftfes «ro tai*g TOrfa*, sit ffcfws Tf^^H ^rtssfa^j q*fe ^^r sistfaff, an wrspwwr 3*3 i tV? asuwsr sns wra i 3T5T «pte*wwn srffT^ snrf^ra-?? trfew*r- anrowfasg rrg ^*ro ^Tiftwr i fTf«R?r « sroq*?tfcni fa^q^tfor q?g fefsra^Tfcr i art>£ TO^'fo^sr TfeN grs%* i c^tst stwt TOi?Tfas| *re*T i fe^sNf q»"n?E ?^r^tw»r ( wife f 3raRF&«s9g 'att% qwf Sifafa (? i 1. This demonstration, in the Malayalam language, of verse 19 of the Candracchayaganita is found inscribed in Kerala Uni. Ms* 5862-B, in continuation of the text and Sanskrit commentary edited here. Short V and V which occur in Malayalam are represented in the following passage by " andT, respectively. 2#