
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

iMTRODUCTtoM tx here are more involved and intricate. These include five different works, all entitled Candracchayaganita, and CandracchHyUnayanopayah. 1 The Candracchayaganita of Nilakant,ha Somayaji, belongs to this genre of texts and sets out the processes for the computation both of Kramacchaya, 'Shadow from Time' (verses 1-17), and ViparitacchSya, Time from Shadow' (verses 18-32), of the Moon. The commentary by Nllakantha himself gives a lucid exposition of the textual verses. The Translation in English, with footnotes wherever needed, as presented on pages facing the text, is intended to set out the sense of the textual verses in terms of modern mathematics, reserving a full-fledged demonstration thereof for being presented elsewhere on another occasion. Nllakantha' s authorship of the work The Candracchayaganita carries no benedictory verse but commences abruptly with the subject-matter. No indication, therefore, is available in the beginning of the work either about the author or the title of the work. The authorship is, however, ascertained from the concluding verse of the work which reads as follows (p. 25) :

  • forc»i5t*attt 3iTfr?cTf^T3$^?tferrfr: i

'Victorious shines, illuminating everything, the 'Moon of Shadow- computation', with its brilliant rays of rules, having been extracted by Nllakantha (Somayaji) from the ocean of astronomical lore.' The commentary, however, carries an introductory verse which specifies the title of the work and also indicates that the author himself composed the commentary (p. 2, below) : 3T?*forf?T§?m: fgwncft uwts srnrwr 'Having paid obeisance to that Brahman, whence (take place) the origin, subsistence and extinction of the worlds, (the work) Candracchayaganita is being commented upon by its author himself, viz,, Gargya (Kerala-Nilakan$ha Somayaji).' 1. Op. cit., pp. 115-16. Candr*. 2