
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

21 is the evidence here. Therefore there being 10 sub stood that the d4d suffix used before (in dued2d) refers only to the sorrow-touched. For this very reason (i.e. as there is no subdivision in the sorrow-untouched) the author (now) gives the subdivision of the sorrow VIII (53) स्पृष्टदुःखा विमुक्ताश्च दुःखसंस्था इति द्विधा । [स्पृष्टदुःखाः विमुक्ताः च दुःखसंस्थाः इति द्विधा ] REMAINING IN SORROW, THUS THE SORROW Here the order of mention is determined by the prominence (of the category) IX (53-55) The Acārya (now) gives the subdivision of those in sorrow (sta76ara) दुःखसंस्था मुक्तियोग्याऽअयोग्या इति च द्विधा। [दुःखसंस्थाः मुक्तियोग्याः अयोग्याः इति च द्विधा] ८99g yah=the imeligible (for Salvation)