
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

22 The word ca is to be taken after ayog)'a!z. Here also the reason for the order of naming is the same (as before, i.e. prominence of the category). OBJECTION :-Being prominent the division of the released n1ust have been stated first ANSWER :-True. As the distinction, the eligible and the ineligible, exists only among those in sorrow (samsiira) the order ( of prominence) is transgressed for the convenience of subdividing those fit for salvation after subdividing those in sorrow. X (55-56) Now the author gives the subdivision of the released. mrl [ ' f'rI'" " . ] qr ", '-4q. ......:I :  : ij q:q T THE GODS, THE SAGES, THE MANES, THE MONARCHS AND THE BEST AMONG MEN, THUS THE RELEASED ARE VERILY FIVE-FOLD. The nlonarchs are caUed pab because they protect (the country). narab, the best among men. The word 'tu' is used for emphasis. Byemphasising the subdivision the author refutes the doctrine of those who do not accept gradation in the emancipated. As some Gandharvas and others may be included in these alone and as there is no intention of mentioning some others here, the present subdivision does not conflict with the division found in other works.