
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

26 division given has the support of valid testim10ny, 7007, (proof-supported) is used. This, we are going to indi It is according m0 doubt true that the order of naming to importance should be, the eternal, the is ignored for brevity of expression XVI (62-65) To set forth the three in order, the auth0r first नित्या वेदा [नित्याः वेदाः ] Here *eternality' means being an immutable entity with no beginning and no end. This is established by testimony such as *The Vedas in entirety are eternal....' and so on. Here the word * /edal? ' is representative of a class, because the fifty-six * 2007८७ ' (letters) and absolute space are also of this nature (i.e. they also are eternal). XVIII (6-72) (The author) Imentions by division the eternal पुराणाद्याः कालः प्रकृतिरेव च । नित्यानित्यं त्रिधा प्रोक्तं [पुराणाद्याः कालः प्रकृतिः एव च । नित्यानित्यं त्रिधा प्रोक्त ] Purandy2=compositions by persons are of one kimd, time is of another kind and primal matter,