
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

31 is to be taken after Viinuna. ' 3'RlI' h.{7.1 "tqa +rqfi:a' ' this has to be supplied at the end. FOR ALL THIS (WORLD OF DEPENDENT CATE.. aORIES), CREATION, PROTECTION, DISSOLUTION, IMPELLING IN ACTION, IGNORANCE, KNOWLEDGE, BEING BOUND BY PRAKRTI (PRIMAL MATTER), LIBERATION, HAPPINESS, SORROW, OUTSIDE DARK- NESS AND LIGHT, (ALL THESE) ABRIDGED AND EXTENDED (ACCORDING TO THE TATTVA) ORIGI- NATE FROM VI$U ONLY. OBJECTION :----Now this is contradictory to what has been said before. To speak of birth and death for everything is opposed to saying (that some categories are) eternal, and to talk of knowledge for the unconscious is self contradictory and the like. ANSWER :- samasavyiisayogatalz is added to answer the objection. samasalz = sarhepa/:t = abridgement. vyasaft= expansion. Abridgement and expansion are the means of making possible what has been said. (i.e. the intro. duction of these two words removes any contradiction that may appear to exist). What is meant is this. Of the attributes (birth etc.), when only a few are applicable to a tattva, these few must be taken to be under the control of Vil}.u. (This is abridgement). In the case in which many are applicable, those many are under His control. (This is expansion). The essence and nature of one and all are absolutely under His control. Of these protection and impelling apply to all; birth and Elestruction to the eternal..noneternal and to the non-eternal; positive ignorance to the