
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

verse. The burden of the Western philosophy is what is 728ntally xtuteligible and that of the Vedanta philosophy is what is byuz• tially 44bercble. But to call Vedanta a disual system preaching from beginning to end, the dreary gospel of despair and disap" pointment is extremely onesided and does not touch its essential features. It is, no doubt, true that the note of pessimism is clearly andible in the system but it disappears altogether and gives place to sublime optimism in the region of the higher spiritual synthesis 'of the Universe taught in the Vedanta. As Swवैai Vivekananda puts it:-‘The Vedanta system begins with tremendous pessimism and ends with real optimism. We deny the sense-optimistm, but assert the real optimism. Real happiness is not in the senses, but above the senses; and it is in every man. The sort of optimism which we see in the world is what will lead to ruin through the senses Abnegation has the greatest importance in our philosophy. Nega. thion implies affirmation of the real Self. Vedanta is pessinistic so far as it negates the world of the senses, but it is optimistic in its assertion of the real world.” Schopenhauer who has frequently and handsomely avowed his obligations to the Upanishads which he unhesitatinglycalls Sacred, says:-‘‘In the whole world there is no study so beneficial and so elevating as that of the U¢zhats , It has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death.' Prof. MaxMuller says:—'Indian philosophy contains no outcry against divine injustice, and in no way encourages suicidal expe . dients. They would, in fact, be of no avail, becauseaccording , to Indian views, the same troubles and the same problems would have to be faced again and again in another life. Considering that the aim of all Indian philosophy was the removal of suffering, which was caused by nescience, and the attainment of the highest happiness, which was produced by knowledge, we should have more right to call it eudoemonistic than pessinuistic. The spiritual life, in the words of Prof. Royce, is not a gentle or an easy thing. It is, indeed, through and through and forevert paradoxical, earnest, enduring, toisone; yes, if you like, painfully