
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

११ 'The Vedanta requires that duty should be done for dutys sake. We should act in the right direction, because it is a duty, and not because it is agreeable and beneficial. We should respect personality as such without any reference to the particular desires or inclinations. With the Vedantist, writes Prof. Max Miller, the feeling of common interest, nay, of the oneness or solidarity of the human race, was most natural. Their whole philosophy was built on the conviction that every human being has its true being in Brahman, and this feeling, though it is chiefly meta physical, breaks out occasionally as a moral power also. We say, we should love our neighbour as ourselves. The Vedantist says we should love our neighbour as our self, ४. ४. we should love them not for what is merely phenomenal in them, for their goodness, or beauty, or strength, or kindness, but for their soul, for the divine self in all of them.’ (Lactes of the Vent plzosophy, h,~ 168-१.). He further on observes, fIt shows an enormous amount of intellectual labour to have reasoned out that we should love our neighbout, because in loving him we love God, and in loving God, we love ourselves. The deep truth that lies hidden in this, was certainly not elaborated by any other nation so far as I know (P. 170). In the Brithuddra1.7%k¢ Upanishad the sage Yajnya valkya teaches his wife Maitreyi that verily, a husband is not dear, that you may love the husband; but that you may love the self, therefore the husband is deat. Verily, a wife is not deat, that you may love the wife; but you may love the self, therefore a wife is dear, etc. etc.’ Now at first sight this might appear a cruel and selfish doctrine, but it is not so. The real is mean1ng , not that any love is to be lessened or contracted, but that it is to be expanded and increased until it embraces all things, until it sees the Divinity underlying even the most repulsive and brutalised forms ; until becoming thoroughly purified and disembled of the idea of the little self as an individual , even the husband, the wife, the child, the beloved friend is not loved as being mine, but .