
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

XV together. The freedom of the will, the immortality of the soul, and the existense of God are, according to Kant, but the postulates of Practical Reason-hypotheses warranted by moral experience, but from the Vedantic standpoint these are as much real as any other fact of personal experience. If Brahman or the Supreme Being is real then with Him these are also realities inseparable from His expressions, Kant regards sensibility as altogether alien to the rational nature of man, and so he insists on its extirpation. The vedantist, on theother hand, regards sensibility as but a means of the realisation of the true Self. It is the due regulation or control of the and , योगबुद्धिः, (and not their extirpation) senses passions that constitutes the essence of virtue, as it tends to free us from the fetters of this world and to promote our true life in Brabhay, Thus we may say that the Vedantic ethics is rather austere than ascetic. While Kant's system teaches self-mortification, Vedanta teaches abstemiousness (संयमः. To Kant, a feeling of inner con. straint enters into the very meaning of duty, so that, *(Duty is the action to which a person is bound, it is 'cormpulsion to a purpose unwillingly adopted." To the Vedantist, however, duty is inseparable from life (सहजं कर्म), and it is cheerfully accepted as a means of salvation . To extinguish the impulses would be to render life inoperative. The Vedanta teaches that the Universal order is essentially moral in its tendency तत्वपक्षपातो हि स्वभावो धियाम्। ( भामती ). We are to aim at the purity of the mind, and that we should not at all be mindful of the results, or as they are called • the fruits' of our actions. The Vedanta is characterised by catholicity and toleration. Every faith or tendency is considered by the Vedantist as having a place in the Universal frame-work. The Universal Spirit is conceived by the Vedantist as essentially True, Good, and Beautiful at the same time (साच्चिदानन्दम्। सत्यात्मप्राणा रामम्, मनआनन्दम्--तै. ७. १.६.. The Absolute as manifested in nature is the Beautiful, as conceived by intelligence is the Supreme Reality