पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/७८६

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

4 Vyavahārakānda ५६, ४४, ५३, १२३, १३१, ३३७. अनियुक्तप्रभाषिन् One who speaks even though he is not authorised to do so १३२. अनिर्णीत Undecided ५९, १२३. अनिर्दिष्ट Not appointed or authorised ६६, २४५, ३०१, ३०३. अनिर्दिष्टस/क्षिन् A witness who is not referred to ३३१. अनिवर्त्य Not to be reverted by appeal to higher authority १३३. अनिवारित Unhindered, unimpeded ५९१. अनिवेदित Untold, unmentioned ५३९. अनिश्चय Uncertainty ३४७. अनुक्त Not to be permitted to add or to modify or to amend ३४१, ५९३. अनुगमाभाव Absence of the memory of the title (as in व्यक.). अभाव - absence of अनुगम —definito knowledge of the absence of title (as in व्यप्र.). ४०७, ४१६. अनुग्रह Favour, kindness ५६८, ५८७, प. १८. अनुग्राह्य To be favoured ५७४. अनुजीविन् Dependent ५६३. अनुज्ञान Assent, permission ५६८. अनुत्तर A reply which is incoherent or eva- sive and therefore held to be no answer, a law-suit where the plaintiff does not offer to pay the fine of defeat in case the charge is not proved ११, १८, १५०, १६५, १७९. 1 अनुत्तरत्व The quality of being an incoherent or evasive answer ९९, २०८, ५४९. अनुनय Inducement, conciliation प. १८. अनुपन्यस्त Not informed, unrecorded ८७. अनुपरोधन Privilege, freedom of entrance, absence of obstruction or check, com- plete freedom ५७२. अनुपस्थान Absence २०७.. अनुप्रवेश Misappropriation of property ( keeping up of another person's pro- perty in one's own house without owner's consent or knowledge) ५५०. अनुबन्ध Result of an action, consequence २४९, ५७४, ५७६, ५९०. •अनुबन्धविज्ञान Knowledge of the result of an action ५६८. अनुभाविन् Being an eyewitness २५७. अनुभुक्त Possession without interruption ३८२. अनुभूतस्मारक Reminding of what is perceived or experienced ३८०. अनुमत Approved, agreeable २५०, ३१२, ३७३, ५५०. अनुमान Inference, indirect proof, guess, suggestion ७४, ९९, १००, १०६, २०६ २२४, २२५, २३३, २३५, ४१०, ४१६,५९३. अनुमोदित Consented ५६३, ५९८. अनुयोग Question २५०. अनुयोगार्जव (स्वपक्षपरपक्षयोः ) Frankness or straightforwardness in questions and answers १९१. अनुवर्णित Mentioned, described, permitted or authorised ५६३. अनुवासित Settled, dealt with or inhabited along with ३८२. अनुशासन Instruction, direction, command statute, supplementary statute, ordi- nance ५६३, ५९०, ५९१, प. १५. अनुशिष्ट The judgment which is executed, dono conformably to law १०५, ५४६, ५४८, ५६२. अनृत False falsehood १८९. अनृताभिसंघ One who intentionally commits unlawful action, conscious about one's own bad act ४८५. अनेकपदसंकीर्ण Confused or mixed with more than one title १५३. अनेकार्थ Equivocal, having more than one meaning (Here the meaning of the word is 'having more than one useful terms') १८५. • अनेकार्थाभियुक्त Charged with many offences ५४२.