पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/८१०

एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

28 ordeal ४७१. दिव्यविशारद An expert in giving the ordeal ४५७, ४६०, ५१०. दिव्या क्रिया Testimony of an ordeal ४४९. दिव्यावतार Scope for tha test of the ordeal Vyavahārakāņda १०५, २३३: दीनार Particular coin ५३२, ५३३. दीर्घकालं (Possession) of long standing, | दृष्टश्रुतानुभूत Which is seen, heard and ex- (for) a long period ४०५, ४०६ ४१६, ४१९, ४२०. perienced २९६. दृष्टान्त Example प. १८. दुःश्रुत Wrongly heard २५०. दुर्ग Fort ५८२. देवराजधन Property belonging to God or to the king ४१८. दुर्गनिवासिन् Living in a fort १०१, १०३. दुर्गा N. of a goddess ५२५. देवराजब्राह्मणसंसत् An assembly of a king and Brahmins before the image of God दुर्दृष्ट Wrongly decided i. e. tried ४७, ५४७, .५४८. दुर्लिखित Bad or false document २५०, ३५९, ३६२, ३६९. दुर्वृत्त A rogue, दुष्कृत Sin ५७०, villain ५७३, ५८२. दुष्प्रगीत Ill-administered ५७३. दुष्ट Guilty, criminal, accused, false, de- fective, wicked; villain १९९, ३६२, ३७०, ३७९, ४६१, ४६९, ५९७. . दुष्टत्व Crime guilt, falsehood ३४७. दुष्टलक्षण Sign indicating fraud, falsehood 1 or corruption २४८. दूत A court-messenger; bailiff १२८, १३५, .३४३, ३७५. दूतक (साझिन्) A witness who knows both the sides of a dispute and is confided to by both the parties ३२३, ३२४, ३२६. दूषण Violation, defeat, guilt, fallacy, offence, refutation, prosecution १७१, १७४, ३४५, ५४९. fraudulently done ३४९. दृष्ट Tried; having been tried and got the decision ६२. दृष्टदोष Who is already proved as a false (witness) १९१, २४५, २५५, २८३, ३०६. दृष्टशपथ One who has gone through the ordeal of शपथ ४४२. दूषयन् Prosecuting, refuting २३६. दूषित Accused, charged, १६५, २२९, ३२७, ३७७, ४५४, ५१३. ४२९. देवर्षिनारद N. of a sago प.१५. देवालय Temple प.८. देश Place, space, witness, evidence, spot ६७, ७७, ८९, १०१, १०३, १०४, १०५, १०९, १२०, १२६, १२८, १३४, १४८, १५१, १५४, १९०, २०८, २१७, २३६, ३२१, ३२९, ३४१, ३४७, ३६४, ३६५, ३६६, ३७५, ३७७, ३७९, ३८२, ४४४, ४४९, ४५५, ४६२, ५५१, ५७४, ५७५, ५७६, ५८५, ५९०, प ८, प.९, प.१.८. देशकालमान Measure of space and time ५२७. देशकालविपर्यय Misplacement of time and space ४६९, | देशकाकार्थसंबन्ध Connection with time, space and purpose (of the action) ४२७. देशकालाविरोधि Not inconsistent with or con- tradictory to the actual time and space १५७, ४६१. देशत्याग Leaving of the native place ३८२. देशदृष्ट Sanctioned by the convention of a particular country ३०, ७१, १०३, १०४. देशदृष्टमत Consistent with the tradition of a particular country १०.३. देशधर्म Tradition of a particular country ५७०, प.१३. वृषितकर्मदुष्टसाध्यंकित (लेख्य ) (Document) bearing the signature of & false witness and | देशमान Measure of space ५२७.