
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

10 त of war Dhuhma, the best in the family va placed at the Gead of the Ixunus IIc accepted but said that he wouldn't kill the sons of Tandu 4 In the morning the hosts of wartots that hnul assembled in the battlefeld on both sides 11 CT, 2Tijel sapu- Itancously and quickly by the agel Kuru the best among Leaders and the son of Drupads the crest juwel anang Mators (respectively) and salted for the order to offer an vnparallelled fight There, tratłout tellung any one, the soul of Dharosa, who liad know 11 (llie secret of} charma lurriel ver to the camp of Bhisia pati (1mm Teglve, bowed and said Pray tell O possessor of virtues, the plan to kill you whose lume as victor of the destroyer of shatriyas skines forth as far as heaven 6 The tcadecherttod Ehesdatha replica. Crid, come to me again at the proper) time Tlie son of Santand then shouted in th: preseuce di the watcots tiese words tlat proved poisoned arrow to the prominent Kurus - "Let the battle The son of Pantu shall be the actor thereu People there are way the world renowned for their character buz in the life of Nunc (of these) is beare of a situation suular to this 10 uch one asks for the life of the other as lightly us for ater and the other says Yes lat an eyetiness of mind uf these two! 8 Life ur death soa fference to those of Leter mucd Views who are constantly adhening to virtuous actifs hat eats is niideed a strange way of transacting business in which tlcre is no consideration of self or non self in the case of these two Wise people 50 ou KO