
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

15 The tich the other breds, full of ego, regard in their baughtness walking on foot cutting of wood and tiliny ot soil, undignified The Wretches desire others help when for brcathug lau doit they see the happiness un notk of the self-cpendent 6 Let there be the wealth oE intelligence of the wealth of richs but all should do some rutful physical labour every day so that the world will be nothing but labour, pill becomie luftv and plentiful and also the leelog of humiliativu lurking 19 te mand of the labourers will vanisi 7 Discretion does not scen lo prevail 10 society people like dancers and singers who proval some entertainment for your leasure hour carry oft londa wealth whereas the manual Jabourer Hoes trot get enougl even to urtalo his family He wla sits it the shade als plentiful money he wun labours in the hot son gets small wages Intellect may be superior to body, lat thus triumph on this account is, 192 the puson of the wise, umoral 11 THE DAZZLINC RAJO-GUNA 1 In out and ou all sides, I am bestegeel by rajas TIC eye (screes) and the mud are ever submerged in it I come out catalang Fold of the hand (ray) of the fjzczerity Sattwa and say brely of its (rajas) tnutupias All activities in the sold evolve from rajas A11 Creatures dance at its commands Consciousness is dependent on it It xotis abundance of sy onders that are incapabic of description 3 Traitng crushed down the very feeble Sattua with Sindictuencs, rajas enercises its sole 501 erergrity It proclaims